27 Common Houseplants That Are Popular for Good Reason

We talked to gardening experts about these well known houseplants that are easy to come by and care for.

<p>Grumpy Cow Studios / Getty Images</p>

Grumpy Cow Studios / Getty Images

When browsing the nursery for a new houseplant, you'll find that certain options are more readily available than others. The most common houseplants are known for being low maintenance, tolerant of a range of growing conditions, and beautiful to look at. Whether you're shopping for a houseplant that produces reliable blooms, a climbing vine that trails shelves, or a beginner-friendly option that's next to impossible to kill, these common houseplants suit every level of green thumb.

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Related: 9 Tall Houseplants That Will Add Drama to Your Interior

Fiddle Leaf Fig

sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images
sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images

Fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is an upright, tree-like houseplant that boasts large, durable leaves. "Like many 'architectural' houseplants, it is great for home décor and makes a strong decorative impact with its uniquely shaped leaves and upright stature," says Andrew Bunting, vice president of horticulture at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.

  • Size: 10 feet tall x 2 to 3 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright light; well-drained soil

Snake Plant

<p><a href="https://www.gettyimages.com/search/photographer?photographer=t%20sableaux" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="1">t sableaux</a> / Getty Images</p>

t sableaux / Getty Images

A low-maintenance houseplant that’s been popular for generations, snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata) is beloved for its ability to thrive in various growing conditions. "Most snake plant varieties have stiff, upright, sword-like leaves that may have gray, silver, or gold banding or edges," says Justin Hancock of Costa Farms. "Its architectural nature makes it a natural choice for modern and contemporary interior designs, and it is highly regarded among plant parents."

  • Size: 12 to 36 inches tall x 6 to 36 inches wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright light; well-drained soil

Spider Plant

<p>KrimKate / Getty Images</p>

KrimKate / Getty Images

Great for beginner gardeners, spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are known for being low maintenance. "Naturally decorative, spider plants have thin, gracefully arching leaves that produce a lovely fountain effect," says Kelly Funk, president of Jackson & Perkins. "Since spider plants require little care and can tolerate artificial light very well, they're an excellent choice for offices and homes."

  • Size: 1 to 2 feet tall x 1 to 3 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright, indirect light; well-drained houseplant soil mix

Wax Plant

daniilphotos / GETTY IMAGES
daniilphotos / GETTY IMAGES

Wax plants (Hoya) have thick, leathery leaves that form on trailing stems. It's commonly admired for its dainty star-shaped flowers that form when the plant is well taken care of and exposed to bright light.

  • Size: 2 to 4 feet tall x 2 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright light; high-quality potting mix


<p>Vacharapong Wongsalab / Getty Images</p>

Vacharapong Wongsalab / Getty Images

Monstera (Monstera deliciosa), also known as the Swiss cheese plant, has large, heart-shaped split leaves that create a beautiful visual display. "There are many variegated and highly coveted selections and cultivars," says Bunting. The easy-to-care-for plant is tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions.

  • Size: 10 feet tall x 6 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright, indirect light; well-drained soil

ZZ Plant

<p>OleseaV / Getty Images</p>

OleseaV / Getty Images

Popular for its ability to thrive in a range of light conditions, ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a clump-forming houseplant with upright stems and attractive glossy leaves. "The ZZ plant has become very popular in the last five to 10 years," says Bunting. "It has a very different appearance from most plants and is very durable too."

  • Size: 3 to 5 feet tall x 2 to 3 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright, indirect light; well-drained soil


Grumpy Cow Studios / Getty Images
Grumpy Cow Studios / Getty Images

Pothos (Epipremnum sp.) is the ultimate in beautiful, easy-care houseplants. "Its leaves can range from solid medium green to variegated with cream stripes depending on the light conditions," says Funk. "It has an incredible vining habit and will slowly crawl up a wall or elegantly tumble from a hanging basket." It can tolerate the lack of air circulation in homes, offices, and even bathrooms.

  • Size: Up to 20 feet long x 3 to 6 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright, indirect light; well-drained soil

Tree Philodendron

<p>M.photostock / Getty Images</p>

M.photostock / Getty Images

Tree philodendron (Philodendron selloum) has very large, glossy green leaves that are lobed and incised. "The large foliaged houseplant has gained in popularity due to its impact on complimenting home décor," says Bunting. It can tolerate a range of growing conditions, but it luxuriates in a warm and humid room.

  • Size: 7 feet tall x 7 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright, indirect light; well-drained soil

Heartleaf Philodendron

<p>Getty Images</p>

Getty Images

Another type of philodendron, heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum) has beautiful glossy leaves that bring beauty to any home. Its foliage is available in a range of colors, from green-and-gold to green-and-white. During warmer weather, it can be grown outdoors and brought back inside when temperatures drop.

  • Size: Depends on variety

  • Growing conditions: Bright, indirect light; peat-based potting mix


Emilija Manevska / GETTY IMAGES
Emilija Manevska / GETTY IMAGES

Often grown for its healing properties, aloe is a low-maintenance houseplant that is also pest-resistant. The succulent has thick leaves that grow from a central rosette, but it can form a stem over time. Like most succulents, aloe has very low watering needs and can survive for weeks without water—perfect for gardeners still perfecting their green thumb.

  • Size: 6 to 12 inches tall x 6 to 12 inches wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright light; succulent or cacti potting mix

Jade Plant

<p>SaskiaAcht / Getty Images</p>

SaskiaAcht / Getty Images

A type of succulent that requires very little care, jade plant (Crassula ovata) has a shrub-like form with plump, oval, glossy leaves. "This has been a popular houseplant for over 60 years," says Bunting. When cared for properly, the plant can even grow to resemble a small tree.

  • Size: 4 feet tall x 4 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Direct sun; well-drained soil with sand or gravel

Rubber Plant

<p>Elena Grishina / Getty Images</p>

Elena Grishina / Getty Images

Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a large, tree-like houseplant with glossy, oval leaves that can be green, bronze, or variegated. "This old-fashioned houseplant has stood the test of time," says Bunting. "Tolerating a variety of light conditions makes the rubber plant a tough and adaptable houseplant."

  • Size: 10 feet tall x 7 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright, indirect light; well-drained soil

Prayer Plant

<p>Artem Khyzhynskiy / Getty Images</p>

Artem Khyzhynskiy / Getty Images

Its highly decorative foliage has made the prayer plant (Calathea sp.) popular in recent years. "It has oval to strap-like leaves that can be quite diminutive to larger and more upright," says Bunting. "There are many beautiful-patterned variegations."

  • Size: 2 feet tall x 2 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to indirect light; soil rich in organic matter

Air Plant

<p>Mint Images / Getty Images</p>

Mint Images / Getty Images

Air plants (Tillandsia sp.) are epiphytic, meaning they grow on other plants. While it still has a root system, air plants get their nutrients from the air, so no soil is needed. "They have many narrow arching silver-white leaves but can be green and bronze as well," says Bunting. "They do especially well in high humidity rooms like bathrooms and indoor pools."

  • Size: 3 inches tall x 3 inches wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright, indirect light; no soil needed

Peace Lily

<p>Grumpy Cow Studios / Getty Images</p>

Grumpy Cow Studios / Getty Images

Peace lily (Spathiphyllum sp.) is a popular option because it’s one of the relatively few houseplants that reliably produces showy flowers indoors. "It features pretty, white flowers that resemble callas, and its glossy, dark green foliage that adds a striking touch to indoor decor when not in bloom," says Hancock.

  • Size: 1 to 4 feet tall x 1 to 4 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright light; well-drained soil

String of Pearls

<p>Dima Berlin / Getty Images</p>

Dima Berlin / Getty Images

This cascading succulent has long strings of round leaves that resemble a pearl necklace, hence the nickname string of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus). It's beloved for its unique appearance and reputation for being easy to care for, says Bunting.

  • Size: 6 inches tall x 6 inches wide (note: the long strings can be up to 8 feet long)

  • Growing conditions: Direct light; succulent or cacti potting mix

African Violet

<p>Claudia Totir / Getty Images</p>

Claudia Totir / Getty Images

African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) have rounded leaves that are covered with fine hairs on all surfaces, making them fuzzy to the touch. The leaves create a rosette of foliage over time that forms small flowers in the summer, which can be pink, purple, white, and beyond, says Bunting. Some of the flowers may also have a ruffled edge. Watering should only be done by setting the plant in a tray of water.

  • Size: 4 inches tall x 8 inches wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright, indirect light; well-drained soil

Chinese Evergreen

<p>Adipra / Getty Images</p>

Adipra / Getty Images

Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema modestum) has upright heart-shaped foliage. Its multiple stems make for a very full plant. "There are many different cultivars with variegated foliage of silvers, white, red, and pink," says Bunting. "It has been popular for decades as a strong growing indoor tropical plant in malls and office buildings."

  • Size: 4 feet tall x 4 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright, indirect light; well-drained soil


Zhuqin Chen / Getty Images
Zhuqin Chen / Getty Images

If you're looking for a fast grower, ivy (Hedera) is a great choice. The trailing vine has many different varieties, including English ivy, Boston ivy, and needlepoint ivy. Most types are known for being low-maintenance and beginner-friendly.

  • Size: Depends on variety

  • Growing conditions: Low to bright light; well-drained soil

Money Tree

<p>Michael Gollop / GETTY IMAGES</p>

Michael Gollop / GETTY IMAGES

This easy-to-care-for houseplant is popular because of its beautiful braided stems and palm-like appearance. "As its name suggests, money trees (Pachira aquatica) are said to bring good luck and fortune, making it a perfect gift in celebration of many milestones," says Funk. "The money tree and its distinction for sharing goodwill make it a particularly thoughtful gift for retirement, a new job, graduation, housewarming, and anytime."

  • Size: 6 feet tall x 8 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Medium, indirect light; well-drained soil


<p>Alohapatty / Getty Images</p>

Alohapatty / Getty Images

Crotons (Codiaeum variegatum) makes a show-stopping houseplant because of its variegated and vivid leaves that come in varying combinations of green, yellow, red, orange, and purple. "With consistent watering, misting, and some pruning, it will adapt beautifully and provide endless, ever-changing color, developing its best hues when grown in bright light," says Funk.

  • Size: 1 to 8 feet tall x 3 to 6 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright light; well-drained soil


<p>Ludmila Kapustkina / Getty Images</p>

Ludmila Kapustkina / Getty Images

Another indoor plant that's becoming more and more popular, Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum) is one of the easiest flowering houseplants you can grow. "It produces a bright display of flowers, which appear in shades of red, pink, white, orange, and purple," says Hancock. "The flowers are long-lasting, too—a month or more when the anthurium is happy."

  • Size: 15 inches tall x 10 to 12 inches wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright light; well-drained soil

Lucky Bamboo

<p>Elizabeth Fernandez/Getty Images</p>

Elizabeth Fernandez/Getty Images

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a popular gift that makes for a stunning and long-lived accent to your home or office décor, says Hancock. It is often pruned into unique shapes like swirls, hearts, and weaves, making it a living work of art. It can thrive with just water in its vase, but it enjoys being grown in a potting mix designed for houseplants.

  • Size: 3 feet tall x 3 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Medium to bright light; well-drained soil

Ponytail Palm

<p>Crystal Bolin Photography / Getty Images</p>

Crystal Bolin Photography / Getty Images

A rugged houseplant that’s native to the deserts of Mexico, ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a drought-tolerant plant that's easy to grow. It has a thick trunk topped by an umbrella of thin, strappy leaves, giving it a unique and visually appealing appearance, says Hancock.

  • Size: 1 to 3 feet tall x 1 to 4 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright light; well-drained soil

Chinese Money Plant

<p>Kimie Shimabukuro/Getty Images</p>

Kimie Shimabukuro/Getty Images

One of Martha's favorite houseplants, Chinese money plants (Pilea peperomioides) continuously produce offspring, meaning you can propagate it and give new plants to loved ones. The plant, which forms coin-shaped leaves that grow from thickened stems, is believed to symbolize good fortune.

  • Size: 6 to 12 inches tall x 3 to 18 inches wide

  • Growing conditions: Medium to bright light; well-draining soil with perlite

Majesty Palm

<p>Natalia Gdovskaia/Getty Images</p>

Natalia Gdovskaia/Getty Images

Bring a touch of the tropics into your home with majesty palm (Ravenea rivularis). "It has long, feathery fronds that make it perfect for filling empty corners and adding texture to a room," says Hancock. "Its popularity stems from its ability to create a tropical atmosphere and its versatility as a living screen or room divider."

  • Size: 10 feet tall x 5 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Bright light; well-drained soil


<p>Marushka Volkova / GETTY IMAGES</p>

Marushka Volkova / GETTY IMAGES

Gardenias, which can be grown both indoors and outdoors, are popular as houseplants thanks to their pleasant fragrance. It produces beautiful white blooms that are contrasted by glossy, dark evergreen foliage. Though it has a reputation for being high maintenance, the scent and beauty of gardenias make the work well worth it.

  • Size: 4 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide

  • Growing conditions: Medium to bright light; acidic soil

Read the original article on Martha Stewart.