26 Passive Aggressive Notes, Emails, And Texts That Are Just So Deliciously Petty

Let's be real — none of us like direct confrontation. I hate it so much, in fact, that if you all flood the comments telling me how lousy this post is...I won't see it because I don't read the comments! Why? Because I'm a non-confrontational coward!

"I'm not brave, I'm notoriously a coward!"
"I'm not brave, I'm notoriously a coward!"


So, if you're a coward like me — and you probably are — you will love these people who dealt with their problems in the most passive aggressive way possible. For example:

1.This girlfriend, who instead of confronting her boyfriend about their future, special ordered this doormat:

Closeup of someone's welcome mat

2.This professor, who passed on confronting a chronically late student face-to-face and instead sent this email:

"Congratulations on beating the previous record for being late to class by a whopping 6 minutes"

3.And this roommate who'd HAD it with their lazy roommates not doing the dishes...so they posted this note:

"If it's been a week since you did the dishes, it's your turn."

4.This apartment neighbor who could've marched under the stairs and told off this smoker, but instead rounded up their butts and left this on their doorstep:

A note with cigarette butts taped to it

5.This landlord who communicated with tenants via this sign...and a gloriously passive aggressive "Mahalo!":

"Thanks for realizing that this is not an ashtray"

6.And this landlord...who communicated via emoji:

7.This person who could've talked to their spouse (since they, you know, live together), but instead sent this text:

"You done with this egg?"

8.This husband who also could've used his words, but instead did this:

9.And this very non-confrontational grandma who let cookies do the talking for her:

10.This boss who could have called a meeting, but instead Michael Scott'd it:

Screenshot of an email from a boss to their employees

11.This person, who found a very non-confrontational way to tell people to pick up after their dogs:

"Start by bending down and picking up your dog poo"

12.And this Alaskan, who expressed their anger against the lower 48 by hanging this map:

A map of the the US

13.This popcorn company that tried to cut off any calls to their complaints line with a deliciously passive aggressive "clearly":

"Clearly this popcorn has been enlarged to show texture"

14.This company that did the same thing while sounding like a total asshole:

"then best of luck out there, life will not be easy for you."

15.Popeye's, anticipating complaints with this posted note:

"If you run out of patience, ask for an application."

16.Nintendo, sounding like a disappointed parent:

"We've deleted all your saved data."

17.And Duolingo — the reigning champion of passive aggressive messages — that sent this guilt + shame combo:

A message from Duolingo

18.This person, who didn't want to confront a chronic bad parker, but DID leave this snarky message:

"Parking spot just for you"

19.This person who got biblical with their annoying parker:

"Thou art lucky thou hast not yet been towed."

20.And this person who used a very sincere "Thank you!!!" to voice their unhappiness:

A note left on a car

21.This driver who does NOT want you to honk at them for driving too slow, hence:

"I'm not driving too slowly, it's called 'the speed limit'"

22.This professor who was fed up with his TA being more popular than him:

23.These guitar store employees who didn't want to have any awkward "can you stop playing that?" convos:

A list of prohibited songs from guitar store employees

24.And these gym employees who didn't want to have any face-to-face "please re-rack your weights" talks:

25.This home owner who hanged this to avoid the "well, time to go" chat:

"All our guests bring happiness, some by coming, others by leaving."

26.And literally anyone who has ever gifted this book to someone:

H/T: r/passiveaggressive