25 tips for amazing landscapes! N-Photo 150 on sale today

 N-Photo 150
N-Photo 150

With temperatures rising, days lengthening and foliage blooming, it’s a great time of year to get out and about with your Nikon. So this issue we’ve got a landscape masterclass from pro photographer Nigel Forster, who reveals 25 tips for shooting mountains, coast, woodlands, waterfalls, lakes and rural scenes. So wherever you are, there’s a photo op near you.

But if you prefer the comfort of the studio, why not join this issue’s apprentice as he learns to shoot fashion portraits with a professional model under the expert tuition of Nikon Creator April Alexander.

We put no less than eight macro lenses to the test, and with a wide range of options to choose from, for DSLRs and mirrorless, full-frame and crop-sensor, and ultra-macro models that stretch to an astonishing 2x magnification, we help you pick the right one for you. We also test Nikon’s thinnest ever lens, the super-slim Z 26mm f/2.8.

This issue’s Skills section is packed with practical projects to try for yourself. You’ll learn how to shoot floral landscapes, sci-fi portraits, star-trail astro images and shutter-drag action shots. Plus we have a FREE copy of Filter Forge 9 Professional for each and every reader!

N-Photo 150
N-Photo 150

N-Photo: The Nikon Magazine is a monthly magazine that's written by Nikon enthusiasts for Nikon enthusiasts, you can be sure that all the content is 100% relevant to you! So for the best Nikon-focused news, reviews, projects, and a whole lot more, subscribe to N-Photo today – with our unmissable subs deal!

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N-Photo 150
N-Photo 150

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