25 Things That Were Once Very Much "A Thing" For People Now Ages 26–35

1.These Disney Store bags that you would never throw away 'cause they were so cool:

Disney Store bag with Goofy on it

2.This Fisher-Price Little People parking garage that you played with at your grandma's house:

Fisher-Price Little People parking garage with a row of vintage Little People standing next to it

3.These sugar-coated orange candies (that you ONLY ever saw and ate at your grandma's):

Candy that looks like orange slices and covered in sugar

4.And these strawberry candies your grandma kept in her purse:

A bag of sugar-free strawberry and creme Creme Savers

5.Biting on the edge of your VHS clamshell as you watched the movie — it was just so satisfying:

A Disney VHS tape with the corner chewed on

6.The warm plasticky smell of the VCR after it had played a movie:

A stock photo of a VCR with VHS tape being ejected
Stockphotosart / Getty Images

7.And being afraid of touching the wrong buttons on the VCR remote:

A 90s style VCR remote with lots of buttons

8.Entertaining yourself by watching these penguins go up and down the slide:

A Playful Penguin toy set

9.And entertaining yourself in the car with this book:

A cop of Kids Travel book

10.Bubble lockets that were virtually impossible to actually blow bubbles from:

A purple and a pink butterfly bubble necklace locket

11.And these plastic balloon bubbles that smelled really strong and like chemicals:

Photos of someone blowing a plastic ballon

12.Opening and closing a Blockbuster VHS rental case just to hear the "click":

A Blockbuster VHS case with a VHS tape next to it

13.Eating your cereal from these Kellogg's bowls:

Four Kellogg's bowls

14.And drinking your juice from Welch's jelly glasses:

Two Goofy Welch's glasses

15.These things that smelled like a bag of nickels, yet somehow you still liked to put them on your face:

A hand in a Pin Art toy

16.This gooseneck lamp that you had on your desk and knew better than to touch while it was on:

A white gooseneck desk lamp

17.The satisfying feeling you would get when ripping a brand-new ball off a magic mitt:

A neon green and pink magic mitt set

18.These headphones that felt like the peak of technology:

Black Sony headphones with the foam ear covers

19.The rush of perfectly taping a song off the radio on your first try:


20.These coupon machines, which were the first things you headed to while at the supermarket with your parents:

A SmartSource coupon machine spitting out a coupon

21.Straining your eyes while playing with one of these:

A Lion King Tiger handheld video game

22.Binge-watching old TV shows on Nickelodeon during Nick at Nite's Block Party Summer:

A screenshot of a Nick at Nite Block Party Summer line-up
New School Archivist/ youtube.com

23.Doing the "Macarena" at weddings:

Sony Music

24.Knowing at least one kid in your class who wore Big Dog T-shirts almost every single day:

A Big Dog T-shirt of a dog on Razor scooter

25.And finally, always being worried about your portable CD player's battery life:

A meme of a Sony Discman