25 People Who Spent A Toooooon Of Money On Something And Immediately Regretted It

1.The person who likes their coffee hot enough to dissolve matter:

A melted keyboard

2.The person who got the Michael Scott special at their hotel:

A tiny TV mounted on the wall

3.The person who paid buco dolores to always be reminded of their bad haircut:

A bad haircut

4.The person who just came up with a wonderful new scented candle variety:

tv that melted because of a candle next to it

5.The person whose dog got a brand new, very expensive chew toy:

chewed up airpod case

6.The person whose laptop looks like the floor of a bar with free peanuts and 29 beers on tap:

sawdust covered computer

7.The person who found probably one of the worst notes you can find inside their hotel room:

note reading if you're reading this they didn't change the sheets

8.The person who did what they had to do, no matter what it cost them:

smashed oven with the caption i saw a roach

9.The person whose iPhone broke in a way previously thought impossible:

broken phone

10.The person who got hot seats in the American Express Jail Lounge:

A fence in front of seats at a game

11.The person who got the deal of a lifetime:

A Sony speaker inside another speaker

12.The person who can never go out in public with their laptop again:

laptop covered in wax

13.The person who got to spend scant precious time with their beloved device:

Phone that broke after 45 minutes

14.The person who should've cracked the windows for their laptop on that hot day:

melted laptop

15.The person whose computer must smell absolutely delicious:

laptop covered in syrup

16.The person who made that classic mistake of buying nice plates that will kill you if you eat off them:

A plate that says "may poison food"

17.The person who had a few friends show up to watch the game:

Arrow pointing to ants inside a TV screen

18.The person whose insurance company is about to get a very interesting call:

grilled that burned the siding of a house

19.The person who was bested by a little tiny ball:

ball inside headphone jack

20.The person who learned one of life's most important lessons the hard way:

People putting bikes on top of a car

21.The person whose pizza went absolutely nuclear on them:

a broken oven and the words "I just wanted to make a frozen pizza"

22.The person who paid extra for a hot tub only to find it contained toxic waste:

A hot tub with a stained cover and dank water with bubbles is at the place they rented

23.The person whose laptop got a nice new design:

staple marks on the back of a laptop

24.The person who absolutely massacred this laptop:

laptop with hinges

25.And the person who put some good old-fashioned elbow grease into destroying their phone:

headphone jack with a screw in it