25 Poor, Poor, Poor Souls Who Took A Chance Placing An Online Order And Immediately Regretted It

1.This person was just trying to get some fun Christmas decor...and ended up with a piece of paper.

animated toy dog online and in reality it's a paper dog
u/Negative-Rub5351 / Via reddit.com

2.This person ordered shoes online but only got the right shoe...which the company fixed by sending two more right shoes.

3 right shoes
u/BerninatinTheCountry / Via reddit.com

3.This Etsy shop got a little confused.

shirt says, this is for my daughter zoey's 8th birthday
u/-RomeoZulu- / Via reddit.com

4.As did this cake designer.

note for bakery had a drawn cake with only the edges painted red where they wanted frosting and the bakery drew their drawing in the city of the cake

5.This father only has himself to blame for forgetting to remove the placeholder text he wrote for the back of this shirt made to celebrate his son's love for Pooh.

front: caleb loves pooh back: sometimes you have to make a fat pooh
MrCalebL / Via reddit.com

6.This poor person ordered a “Rose Apothecary” sweater (from Schitt's Creek) as a gift for their fiancé, and instead got this. The worst part? The woman and her fiancé are both double-vaxxed healthcare workers.

shirt says: unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated
u/fruitloopmafia91 / Via reddit.com

7.This person also didn't get quite the shirt they'd wanted.

shirt they wanted: in a world where you can be anything, be stong. shirt they got: fuck you you fucking fuck
u/PollySmall89 / Via reddit.com

8.This poor person didn't realize they were ordering a phone that looks to be made for American Girl Dolls.

phone fits inside the palm of a hand
u/Strong_Oven_5233 / Via reddit.com

9.And this person is going to have to figure something else out when making Christmas cookies, because he accidentally ordered microscopic cookie cutters.

  u/BigOl-J / Via reddit.com
u/BigOl-J / Via reddit.com

10.What is this? A Christmas tree for ants?

tree advertised as large and it's actually small and fits on a table top
u/soomanytomatoes / Via reddit.com

11.This person's tree also left a little to be desired, we'll just say.

the old santa figure is different from the one online
u/dylanciaga / Via reddit.com

12.This poor guy was just trying to get a realistic-looking stuffed animal for his girlfriend after their cat died during the holidays...and spent $300 on this.

the stuffed animal looks like a cheap toy
u/WaddupThugsBunny / Via reddit.com

13.Whoever packed this online order didn't even try.

  u/poopoo-on-a-stick / Via reddit.com
u/poopoo-on-a-stick / Via reddit.com

14.This guy tried to get a nice winter hat, and ended up with a convincing costume for Scarecrow from Batman Begins.

hat looks like a scary bag covering kidnappers would use
u/DanielJayPizzle / Via reddit.com

15.And this person actually did order a mask for Scarecrow for Halloween, but ended up with what was essentially a paper bag.

  u/youngbuck- / Via reddit.com
u/youngbuck- / Via reddit.com

16.This person ordered some luggage, perhaps for a holiday trip, and ended up with this (mouse for scale).

tiny suitcase replica the size of a computer mouse
u/twinklemylittlestar / Via reddit.com

17.Ah yes, a nice cozy blanket for winter. For your dog, at least.

blanket is not the large size advertised and fits a small dog
u/autistic-screams / Via reddit.com

18.This ottoman might work for an infant, but not an adult person.

ottoman is too small for a pair of feet
u/Nach_Steel84 / Via reddit.com

19.The new DnD dice on the left are sick. The ones the person ordering them got? Not so much.

person got old, used dice
umuffinkat55 / Via reddit.com

20.I have to include one of my favorite online shopping fails in this post. Imagine ordering a Gromit mug and getting a mug with a PICTURE of a Gromit mug on it.

  u/mattpond / Via reddit.com
u/mattpond / Via reddit.com

21.That's...not the Grogu I remember.

does not look like the toy they ordered
u/MrBokudu / Via reddit.com

22.This person thought they were getting a nice new iPad case, only to find it was made out of literal toothpaste boxes.

person opened up the case to show it's made of toothpaste packages
u/Theultravisitor / Via reddit.com

23.This person was probably just trying to get through that weird time at work between Thanksgiving and Christmas and had this to add to their troubles.

linked image not found is what is printed on the banner
u/heymanitsdan / Via reddit.com

24.Same with this poor person.

please add .ca after the logo so it reads my professionals dot ca
u/i_luv_coffee14 / Via reddit.com

25.And finally, this person got exactly what they ordered, but they probably didn't expect the package to say exactly what the order was for their whole family to see.

dildo written on the package
u/GroundbreakingCat / Via reddit.com