25 Last-Minute Amazon Gifts Under $25 That Will Still Get There by Christmas

For procrastinators, Amazon is nothing short of a godsend. But even the supreme being of blink-and-it’s-on-your-doorstep has deadlines — and for holiday gifts, those cut-off times are approaching fast.

Christmas-present shoppers would be well advised to make their purchases sooner rather than later, even if they’re accustomed to relying on two-day shipping. Circumstances surrounding the global pandemic mean greater delivery delays than ever before are to be expected. Plus, as those on the East Coast have just been reminded, extreme weather can be unpredictable and equally disruptive.

Luckily, we’ve found an enormous cache of delightful, giftable options still available on Amazon for guaranteed delivery before December 25. And what’s more, so many of them are affordable, too. From cozy clothing and charming accessories to game-changing beauty and entertaining home essentials, we’ve rounded up the 25 absolute best gifts under $25 that you can order today and receive before Christmas.

Shop our top gifts, stocking stuffers, and white elephant picks below, and remember to check out soon if you want your order to arrive on time.

Best Clothing Gifts

Best Shoe + Bag Gifts

Best Accessory Gifts

Best Beauty Gifts

Best Home Gifts