This $25 Gadget Repels Mosquitos in Minutes

Photo credit: Amazon
Photo credit: Amazon

From House Beautiful

Warm weather is here, which means spending more time outdoors. But before you take dip in your inflatable pool or work on your garden, get rid of summer's most annoying pest with this portable mosquito repeller.

Available on Amazon for just $25, the Thermacell MR150 Portable Mosquito Repeller keeps mosquitos away for up to 12 hours. Since it's lightweight and portable, you can also use it beyond your backyard. You can take it with you while you camp, fish, and hike in the great outdoors where mosquitos thrive.

Here's how it works: Once you turn the device on, a fuel cartridge heats a repellant mat, activating a synthetic copy of the natural mosquito repellant found in Chrysanthemum flowers. After a few minutes, the repellant disperses to create a 15-by-15 foot zone of protection. Unlike most sprays and lotions, the repeller is scent-free.

To use it, simply remove the cover from the repeller handle and insert the cartridge. After putting the cover back on, slide the blue repellent mat into the top of the device and turn the switch into the on position. Wait a few seconds and hit start three to five times. A few minutes later, you can enjoy your time outside without any mosquito bites.

Easy to use and family friendly, the repeller has been evaluated by the EPA for safety and effectiveness. And it's so popular on Amazon that it's earned an Amazon's Choice badge, which means it's highly rated and well-priced. More than 600 shoppers have given it a 5-star rating.

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