30 Easy Christmas Cookie Recipes to Bake With Your Kids

There's nothing like time spent in the kitchen with children to create holiday memories that will last a lifetime. Just think back to rolling cookie dough with Grandma at Christmas time or watching Mom assemble her famous apple pie. Aprons on and family recipe cards out, this is when the real holiday magic happens between generations.

But gearing up to bake with kids is no easy feat. Depending on the age of your little one, you'll want to make sure you're attempting a recipe that will make more than just a mess. Luckily, some of our favorite Christmas cookie recipes are as kid-friendly as they come so you can enlist your little elves. From Kitchen Sink Cookies that incorporate some of your kids' favorite snacks right into the dough to Cathedral Window Cookies with colorful mini marshmallows, these easy cookie recipes for kids are just as fun to bake as they are to eat.