25 of Our Best Caption Contest Winners That Will Crack You Up

If there's one thing we've learned in over 30 years of putting out First for Women magazine, it's that our readers definitely have a funny bone! Whether it's sending us their hilariously adorable photos of their pets, kids and grandkids to publish or writing funny captions to go with those photos, it never fails to elicit laughs! Check out some of our funniest photos and caption contest winners throughout the years, and let us know what caption comes to your mind when you see those photos. You can email us at laugh@firstforwomen.com, or write to us and mail to Caption Contest, First for Women, 270 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632.

Also, consider subscribing to our print magazine, where we feature funny jokes and a caption contest in every issue — you can send us your own funny captions (and/or photos) to see your name and wit "in lights." We look forward to seeing what you come up with!


Caption contest winners: Toddler girl on phone with candy machines with caption
Kristy Drury, KY

Team player

Caption contest winners: Cat comfy in human bed with caption
Annie Jennings

This guy needs a deputy!

Caption Contest Winners: Baby in diaper and cowboy hat and boots with caption
Christina Dover

No rest for the weary

Caption contest winners: Dog looking tired in superman costume with caption
Cathy Scarano, AL

Need for speed…pants optional

Caption contest winners: Toddler boy on tricycle inside smiling and wearing no pants with caption
Sarah Wilson, MS

Spa day fail

Caption contest winners: Dog in bathtub with caption
Matthew Burditt Photography:Getty Images

No wonder we can never find anything in our purse!

Caption contest winners: Cat in woman's purse poking head out with caption:
Franny Allescia, MA

Last call!

Caption contest winners: Baby with empty shots of milk on a bar and hand raised with caption
Taylor Rountree, FL

This seems…totally safe!

Caption contest winners: Dog driving a car with caption:
Cesar E. Paredes, FL

Wrong place, wrong time

Caption contest winners: Cat in high chair with caption
Mark Turo, MI

Rubber ducky…get a clue!

Caption contest winners: Dog staring at smiling rubber duck with caption
Chris Amaral/Getty Images

Kitty camouflage

Caption contest winners: Cat hidden in flowerpot with caption
Nancy Corsetti

Rough night?

Caption contest winners: 2 babies asleep at high chairs with caption
April Knapp, NY

Fair enough!

Caption contest winners: Cute dog coming out of tub with caption
Nicole Orrigo, NJ

Kids these days…such a short attention span

Caption contest winners: Boy on couch with remote next to dog on couch looking unamused with caption
miki-tiger/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Grumpy cat 2.0

Caption contest winners: Angry-looking cat inside a brown paper bag with caption
Pam McDougal, CA

Hope he has a good credit score!

Caption contest winners: Little boy holding a credit card with tongue out with caption
Conry-Berghorn, NY

Like a BOSS!

Caption contest winner: Dog in office chair with caption
Nereida Isufi, NY

Sing us a song, piano man…er, boy

Caption contest winners: Toddler playing toy piano with caption
Natasha Hilmoe, ND

No judging!

Caption contest winners: Dog sucking on pacifier with the caption
Tami Masden, FL

Aged to perfection

Caption contest winners: Orange cat staring at himself in the mirror with caption
Theresas Congelos, NY

Brotherly love!

Caption contest winners: Baby laying on beagle with caption
Tyler Hans, NJ

Life in the fast lane

Caption contest winners: Brother and sister riding toy horses with brother in the back saying,
Mabel Christian, FL

A refined palette

Caption contest winners: Dog at table with red wine in front of him with caption
Barbara Cahill, NJ

For even more laughs, click through the links below!

21 Funny Dog Videos Guaranteed to Make You Howl With Laughter

19 Church Signs That Will Make You Laugh So Loud, You’ll Be Ushered to the Back Pew

17 Funny Text Messages That Will Make You Laugh So Hard, You’ll Cry Like an Emoji