23 Transgender Women From 23 Countries Dressed In Their "National Costume," And It's Clear They All Understood The Assignment

The Miss International Queen pageant calls itself "the world's largest transgender women beauty pageant."

This year's contest featured 23 women from 23 different places competing for the crown.

My favorite part of this particular pageant was the national costume competition, where each contestant dressed in a costume that represented their country.

Here's how 23 of this year's contestants dressed:

Note: All descriptions are from the Miss International Queen Facebook.


Miss Canada wears white in a snow owl-themed outfit

"A [snow owl is a] source of guidance and wisdom."

Miss Canada in the snow owl outfit raises her arms in a flying stance


Miss France in an outfit with a macaron hat and holds a macaron tray

"This year, we are honoring a French culinary specialty: the macaron!"

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: media


Miss Colombia in an all gold outfit

"Born from the ingenuity of designer Randy Severiche, inspired by the vast wealth of pre-Columbian goldsmithing, which is characterized by the beauty and precision of its details."

Miss Colombia walks the runway in the gold outfit while holding her nation's flag

4.Puerto Rico

Miss Puerto Rico in an all-blue outfit with big feathers and a feather headpiece

"Inspired by the guardian of the Bioluminescent Bay of Puerto Rico."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Cambodia in a light blue and gold outfit honoring angel Tevy

"This exquisite royal costume is designed under the style of an individual named (Tevy) representing the protector of all water bodies, who provides imperishable water for the lives on earth."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: media


Miss Ecuador in an outfit with a bird headpiece and feathers

"Hummingbird coruscans is the animal of a thousand colors of nature and the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: media


Miss Taiwan in an outfit with a blue and white shoulderpiece and long red dress

"Because my country has been suppressed by China for a long time. We cannot join WHO, the UN, or even show our national flag on international occasions. So, my team and I thought, if we can't show our national flag, why don't we put it on my body?"

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Venezuela in a gold and blue dress with flowers, carrying a white fan

“Madama comes from the French word ‘the madame’ who were females in times of slavery and came to Callao showing off their riches and finesse.”

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Korea in a black and white dress with mountains on the bottom

“Hanbok is a traditional Korean dress characterized by beautiful colors and meticulously woven lines without pockets.”

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss India in an outfit that reflects Hindu god Shiva

"Ardhanarishvara, Sanskrit: Lord Who Is Half Woman composite male-female figure of the Hindu god Shiva together with his consort Parvati."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Honduras in a bodysuit with a bird headpiece and wings

"Inspired by the national bird of Honduras."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Philippines in a gold and red dress with a doll wearing a dress

"The ornate doll is depicting the candidate herself. It’s Fuschia wearing Fuschia."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Vietnam in a gold dress with gold wings

"With this national costume, we want to introduce the wet rice cultivation of the Viet people."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Peru in a gold outfit with a gold staff and gold and blue headpiece

"Inspired by a female warrior of the Inca Empire."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Paraguay in a gold bodysuit and blue wings

"The Chogüy bird."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Japan in a dress with cranes and flowers, holding a lamp

"The Japanese identity."

Miss Japan walks the runway with a Japanese flag fan and lanterns


Miss Laos in a black dress with a golden ship back piece

"The inspiration is from Ship Fire Festival."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Mexico in an Aztec themed outfit that's gold and blue

"The design is inspired by the Aztec pre-Hispanic clothing."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Indonesia in a blue dress and holding decorative snakes

"Inspired by the story of the search for Tirta Amerta or the water of immortality involving gods and giants."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Thailand in a red outfit with feathers and a decorative dragon piece

"Inspired by the myth of the Fight of Garuda and Naga."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss Brazil in a dark blue and gold dress with the Brazilian flag on it

"Known for being the patron saint and protector of Brazil, Nossa Senhora Aparecida is much sought after by the faithful who need help in a time of distress."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: media


Miss Malaysia in a gold and beige dress with flowers and a really big gong headpiece

"The Brass Gong is one of the most valuable items among the North Borneo people. This Brass Gong is associated with many celebrations, rituals, and important events."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen


Miss USA in a Wonder Woman outfit

"She is representing strength and feminine power to find justice for all."

  Miss International Queen/ Facebook: MissInternationalQueen

And there you have it! Which one of these looks was your favorite? Sound off in the comments, babes.