23 Screenshots That Prove Dating Men In The 21st Century Is Hell On Earth

1. This man who rightfully never got a response:

2. This man who was taken off the market:

3.This man who played the victim card big time:

A guy messaging a woman about how women only want toxic men and relationship instead of nice guys like him

4.This man who wasted someone's time:

  u/trash4spence / Via reddit.com

5. This "nice guy" whose profile was full of red flags:

6. This man whose Hinge profile was very, very blunt:

7. This man who was too forward:

8.This man who tried to...make a move, I guess?:

9.This man who should've been more focused on his family than dating:

10.This man who tried to play a game:

11.This man who "forgot" about his girlfriend:

12.This man who was in a suuuuper messy relationship:

13. This man who made an inappropriate joke and could not handle the rejection after:

A man texting a woman a bunch of times in a row freaking out and harassing her because she cancelled a date after he made an inappropriate joke

14. This man who cheated and pretended like he was the perfect boyfriend:

15. This man who has surely never, EVER asked for nudes🙄:

16. This man who was determined to hook up one way or another:

Men from Tinder

17.This man who literally tried to give someone orders:

18. This man who thought he was being kinky:

20.This man who immediately made a sexual innuendo upon talking to his Tinder match:

A guy messaging a woman "when you eat watermelon do you spit or swallow the seeds?"