23 Poorly Designed Signs That Are So Bad. That's It, They're Just So, So Bad.

1. This light suggestion to "Stop":

2. A slight mix-up, I fear:

3. This airport bathroom that's bound to cause some confusion:

4. MILK 👏 IT!!!!!! 👏

5. *Stares in confused DoorDasher*:

6. "No, everything. I'm is possible!"

7. This designer who thought outside the box, but not so much inside it:

8. These "three" churros:

9. This patriotic yet highly unnecessary acronym:

10. This charming puzzle-piece analogy:

11. This debatably inappropriate use for the Disney font:

12. This speed limit sign that has made it its mission to ruin people's days:

13. "Don't ever show your true colors 💖":

14. Like???

15. ✨Welcome shorpers✨:

16. This Very Good™ graphic design company logo:

17. This one that truly does take a minute:

18. Like, genuinely...who is responsible for this?

19. Hmmmmm:

20. Be una polo geti cally you 😌💅✨:

21. This ominous warning:

22. 😌😌😌:

23. And finally, "No" ❤️:

H/T: r/CrappyDesign.