23 Pictures That Perfectly Capture How Absurd The Snow Was In Buffalo For The Bills Game Yesterday

People in Buffalo are used to A LOT of snow.

Global Toronto/ Twitter: @AhmarSKhan

Remember last year when they got nearly six feet?

Twitter: @salerno101

Well, it's been snowing a lot there lately, and the pictures from yesterday's Bills game are pretty wild.

Twitter: @rayfitt1

1. Leading up to the game, there were whiteout conditions.

Twitter: @HardFactorNews

2. As this person said, "We got rocked."

Twitter: @AndyYoungTV

3. Still, there was a game to be played.

Twitter: @MSchwartzTV

4. 200 people showed up at midnight to help shovel the stadium.

Twitter: @Hope_Winter

5. The stadium hired anyone willing to shovel the snow for $20 an hour.

Twitter: @FOS

6. They formed assembly lines of snow removal.

Twitter: @tribjoerutter

7. And fans carried giant clumps of snow from their seats.

Twitter: @EmilyGiangreco

8. It seemed like they had fun with it.

Twitter: @d_drewski

9. They used their hands, cardboard, whatever they could find.

Twitter: @RandyKaus

10. It was quite a task.

Twitter: @weather_buffalo

11. I personally like this guy who used a shovel from the dollar store.

Twitter: @rayfitt1

12. There were no assigned seats for the game.

Twitter: @TheChiefWildcat

13."Just find a place to sit, and it is yours."

Twitter: @NFL_DovKleiman

14. It looked like one big snow fort.

Twitter: @joshwypij

15. And these guys were "straight up CHILLIN...literally."

Twitter: @EmilyGiangreco

16. The field eventually made an appearance.

Twitter: @EmilyGiangreco

17. Somehow the turf was cleared by kickoff.

Twitter: @BuffaloFAMbase

18. And the people of Buffalo did what they always do: Dealt with it.

Twitter: @MikeDeFabo

19. That's when things got even more interesting.

Twitter: @JrobertsTV_

20. When any touchdowns happened there were "snowball celebrations."

Twitter: @BuffaloBossBabe

21. It looked like snow fireworks.

Twitter: @BoMarchionte

22. Ultimately, the Bills won.

Twitter: @BuffaloBills

23. And hopefully, these men made it out alive.

Twitter: @marKUSguetta