23 Horrifying Facts That You Will Wish Were Fake, But Are Unfortunately 100% True

A while back, we rounded up disturbing facts from this Reddit thread, and members of the BuzzFeed Community* came through with even more horrifying responses! Here are 23 more facts that you will definitely wish you didn't know.

*Along with redditors from the original thread!

1.First, let's start with this nice family-friendly fact: Bestiality is actually legal in four states: Wyoming, Hawaii, New Mexico, and West Virginia.


Suggested by u/ZuccBorger69

2.Another comforting fact to share with the whole family: 56% of pilots have admitted to falling asleep in the cockpit.

two pilots in cockpit
Roman Becker / Getty Images/EyeEm

Even worse, of those 56%, 29% had woken up to find the other pilot asleep, too. Fun!


3.We don't experience time in a linear fashion, but instead in relation to how much life we've lived. That's why the years feel shorter as we get older.

Andrew Garfield singing "years are getting shorter, lines on your face are getting longer!" in tick tick boom

Suggested by u/mdccc1


In fact, half of your "perceived life" is over by age 7.


4.There's an 80% chance your toothbrush has fecal matter on it. Even if it's stored in a closed container. Even toothbrushes stored outside the bathroom may be contaminated with fecal matter.

Universal Pictures / Buena Vista International

Suggested by u/sharrrper

5.In fact, fecal matter is on pretty much everything. Especially the sponges you use to clean your dishes.

kitchen sponge
Photoalto / Getty Images/PhotoAlto

6.And just to keep this one going, there’s around 1/10 gram of poop in the average pair of underwear.

Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

7.Most ground coffee likely contains cockroaches.

New Line Cinema

It's pretty common for entomologists who study cockroaches to become allergic to them. Funnily enough, they also end up becoming allergic to ground coffee at the same time! Wonder what that means???

In fact, FDA standards allow coffee beans to contain up to 10% “insect filth and insects."

dead cockroaches

Suggested by johnny_feng

Wan Mohd Aslam Wan Abdullah / Getty Images/EyeEm

8.You can live with only 25–30% of your liver if you're otherwise healthy. So basically, someone could just chop off the majority of your liver and send you home and you'd be fine.

liver on diagram of human chest

9.Watch out for any tickle-like feelings around your butthole! It could be pinworms.

person scratching butthole
Rapideye / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10.Watch out for tapeworms, too. They can live inside your body for 30 years, and many people don't have symptoms. They can grow over 80 feet long.

  Juan Gaertner / Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF
Juan Gaertner / Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF

11.Back in the 20th century, chemical conglomerate I.G. Farben manufactured the gas Zyklon-B, which was used in gas chambers in the Holocaust. Its factory workers included unpaid labor from people in concentration camps. Part of that conglomerate? The company we know today as Bayer.

access door to gas chamber at Dachau concentration camp

Suggested by zanchettin66

PHAS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

12.Bayer also briefly sold heroin as a medicine for colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia. It was marketed to children.

heroin needle and spoon
Krisanapong Detraphiphat / Getty Images

13.Speaking of the Holocaust and World War II...we often think of the atrocities committed by the German army, but they weren't the only ones. There are reports of the Japanese military tossing babies back and forth and catching them on their bayonets, and disemboweling women, among other horrible things. Apparently, even the Nazis were shocked by the brutality of their crimes in Nanking.

Japanese soldiers with bayonets

14.A massive solar flare called the Carrington Event occurred in 1859. The sky lit up in different colors and electrical and telegraph services were affected, and that was pretty much it. However, the world is very different now than it was in 1859.

solar flare illustration

If a similarly sized solar flare were to happen today, many electric grids would fail. Everything from GPS to ATMs to plane navigation to satellites to TV and radio signals would be affected, and it'd cost trillions to fix and could take years.

man saying "it's all gonna turn off. it's gonna turn off, and it will never, ever come back on" in the tv show revolution

A "Carrington-class superstorm" actually did occur in 2012. It only missed Earth by nine days. Hey, remember how we all thought the world would end in 2012? Maybe we weren't that far off.

2012 poster
Columbia / courtesy Everett Collection

15.Speaking of world-changing events...cracks and fissures in the Thwaites eastern ice shelf in Antarctica suggest it could collapse in as soon as five years. The ensuing rise in sea level would be over two feet. That may not sound like much, but for context, around 250 million people live within three feet of high tide lines. Thwaites collapsing would likely lead to other glaciers doing the same, further raising sea levels, putting coastal cities like Miami in danger of being swallowed.

ice in Antarctica

16.There have been reports that Kim Jong-un and his supporters have "pleasure squads" of women, some as young as 13. It's also been reported that their schools recommend them for the "honor."

Kim Jong-un

17.Remember Ducky in Land Before Time? The beloved dino was voiced by child actor Judith Eva Barsi, who also appeared on shows like Growing Pains and movies like Jaws: The Revenge.

Universal Pictures

Well, she was murdered by her father at the age of 10. He also killed his wife (Judith's mother) and himself. Eerily, Judith had previously played a child murdered by her father in her first acting role, the film Fatal Vision.

Judith on Growing Pains

18.One of the worst things that can happen to you medically is locked-in syndrome. Basically, you are completely there mentally, but you can't move anything but your eyes. If not properly diagnosed, doctors (and your family) may think you're brain dead.

diagnostic form for "locked-in syndrome"

19.Most pelvic exams done on young women are unnecessary. Many are performed on girls as young as 15, despite them not being recommended.

woman at doctor's

20.If you're interested in online privacy, you'll find this one interesting: "Even if you don't have a Facebook account, Facebook has a 'shadow profile' on you that collects data from all over the internet (piecing together age, name, location, interests, and the like), to get to know who you are, so if/when you create a new account, they already know everything about you."

facebook sign
Florian Gaertner/Photothek via Getty Images

21.You may already know that dolphins essentially rape each other. But you may not know that male dolphins have tried to sexually assault and drown humans.


Suggested by contrafibularities

Stuart Westmorland / Getty Images

22.Another disturbing animal fact is that when a new lion takes over a pride, he kills all the cubs. They're not his, and they don't want to bother raising kids without their genes — also, nursing female lions won't be into reproducing, and the male lions don't like that.

lion with cubs
Skynesher / Getty Images

23.And finally, you can never truly see your face. You only see reflections or photographs. You'll literally never know exactly what you look like.

Warner Bros.

Suggested by andreau

Which fact was most disturbing to you? What creepy facts did we miss? Let us know in the comments!