23 Greedy And Manipulative Bosses Who Made The Mistake Of Trying Employees Who Ain't Having It

Just about all of us have had a moment at work when we thought: This is B.S., and the people running things couldn't be bigger a-holes if they tried! I should tell them to go to hell! I SHOULD BLOW IT ALL UP!!

A man hitting his computer monitor off his desk with his keyboard
A man hitting his computer monitor off his desk with his keyboard


But then we don't...because we need to pay the rent and whatnot. But today, we are here to honor those who actually did it! The brave MoFos who said screw it and pushed back HARD!

1.First, there's this truck driver who — after the fat cat company owner decided to stop paying the drivers — "parked" their truck in the same space as the owner's Ferrari.

A truck on top of a Ferrari

2.This fed-up worker quit their job with a letter that glitterbombed their manager with a bunch of little dicks.

Glitter dicks all over the floor

3.And this person had a fearless response to their boss asking them to come in on their off day — a Saturday no less!

Screenshot of a text exchange

4.This person — after commuting all the way to work for a meeting only to discover it'd been cancelled without anyone telling him — left some, uh, feedback for his bosses on the company screens.

A man giving the finger

It reads: "Cancelling a meeting without notifying team members that have to drive a significant distance is unprofessional horseshit."

"Cancelling a meeting without notifying team members that have to drive a significant distance is unprofessional horseshit."

5.This person found out she was being WAY underpaid, so she called her company on it in the funniest way possible.

6.And this person resigned from their position...but not before telling their boss EXACTLY how freaking incompetent they are. I mean, they did NOT hold back!

Screenshot of a resignation letter

7.This person DGAF about their boss's latest rule.

A sign that says not a charging station

8.And this person — speaking of a DGAF attitude — came up with a strategy that allows them to come and go from their job as they please, no hassles.

"I only come into the office with a laptop"

9.These Japanese bus drivers on strike stuck it to their bosses without inconveniencing their riders. Gotta love it!

A person driving a bus

10.And this striking teacher — tired of people calling her profession "glorified babysitters" — did the math.

A sign showing math of what teachers should be paid

11.This fearless soul had quite the "reply all" response when the big boss said it was time to start returning to the office.

12.And these workers were like, "Oh, you want us back in the office? We'll see about that!"

13.This person — in front of the whole company — was totally unafraid to say, "Yeah, that's not legal, champ" when their boss threatened to withhold wages for forgetting to clock in or out.

Screenshot of a Facebook post

14.And this cashier put up this sign when their boss started taking their tips.

A sign letting customers know the cashiers' boss takes all their tips

15.This person didn't let getting turned down for a raise go without retaliation.

16.And this intern called it exactly as he saw it when the company V.P. asked him if he was going to miss them.

17.This person — tired of the boss never giving bonuses or raises despite high performance — responded to their generic "Atta boy!" message with this snarky meme.

Screenshot of a text exchange

18.This person probably didn't win the lottery, but they DID manage to strike their cluelessly entitled boss silent. So...a win!

"I asked how much she thought she paid me. She left without a word."

19.These workers — and their union — did not put up with management getting rid of water and coffee cups.

Screenshot of a Twitter exchange

20.This technician knew their worth and sent their employer this badass email.

Screenshot of an email

21.And this person told their shitty, insensitive boss exactly what they could do to themselves.

"Mail me my check I quit And go fuck yourself"

22.This person quit while calling their company on their bullshit...and even signed off with "Bye, Felicia."

Screenshot of an email

23.And lastly, this hilariously blunt supermarket worker let the customers know exactly what he thought about his job.

H/T: r/antiwork