22 Things People Who Work At CVS And Walgreens Absolutely Hate That Customers Do And 5 Things They Absolutely Love

1. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when realize the obvious:

2. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you don't understand what that beeping means:

And when you don't understand how a credit card machine works:

3. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you think there's an entire team of photo people waiting for your every move:

And when you demand the store grinds to a halt to get your photos:

4. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you make a weird point to say their name:

5. And CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you completely ignore the fact that they're short-staffed:

🙃 from CVS

6. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you can't figure out the difference between online and the store:

7. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you're super impatient at the pharmacy:

8. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you act like "The Back" is some magical place:

9. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you ignore literally any pleasantries:

10. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you act like all stores and employees are exactly the same:

11. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you do a l'il gross cough right into their face:

12. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you leave your receipts all around the store because you think other people can use them:

13. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you're rude to the pharmacy department:

14. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you think your mystical coupon is going to work:

15. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you try to hand over exact change waaaaay to late:

16. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you forget that they're days off aren't your days off:

17. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you just keep talking and talking and talking:

18. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you ask a dumb question you could have just looked up:

19. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you brave Day After Tomorrow conditions just to get half off Easter candy:

20. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you make them go on a wild goose chase for your pictures:

21. CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you don't realize why your photos came out like crap:

22. And CVS And Walgreens employees hate when you act like the world revolves around you:


23. CVS And Walgreens employees love when you recognize their hard work:

24. And when you remember they're a human-being and do something nice for them:

25. CVS And Walgreens employees love when you're positive:

26. CVS And Walgreens employees love when you realize they're working a holiday because you're in the store:

27. And CVS And Walgreens employees love when an unexpected guest shows up:

I mean, who doesn't?