People Are Sharing The Moment They Realized They're Old, And It's Unfortunately Wayyyyy Too Relatable

There's a point in everyone's life where something happens to make them realize, "Oh no, I'm old."

Joey saying, "I'm old."
Joey saying, "I'm old."


So, when Redditor u/Pred1949 asked the AskReddit community what that moment was for them, people responded with a wide variety of "I'm ancient" moments. Here are some of the best:

1."Whenever I have to enter my birthdate in a drop-down menu."


"You see me scrolling

I’m hating

Somebody trolling, tryna tell me that I’m past age 30."


A birthdate scroll down menu

2."Asked a young relative what music she was into, thinking I would be able to impress her with all I know about the 'cool' bands. She listed quite a few, and I had never heard of a single one, instantly humbled."


3."I was reading Rolling Stone at the doctor's office and realized I hardly knew any of the bands on the Billboard No. 1 singles list. Nineties music to my kids is like what '60s music was to me."


4."I almost fell over when a local radio station called songs from the '80s the 'golden oldies.' No! The golden oldies are the '50s/'60s!"


Muppets laughing
Muppets laughing


5."The first time the barber asked if I wanted my eyebrows trimmed."


6."Viggo Mortensen is now older than Ian McKellen was when he played Gandalf in Fellowship."


7."At 44, I don't feel old, but when I'm going to do something nowadays, I think about if I could get hurt."


A woman looking at her phone and saying, "That sounds risky."
A woman looking at her phone and saying, "That sounds risky."


8."Doing nothing became my favorite thing to do on the weekend."


9."When celebrities would come on late night shows and they looked SO much older… then I would think, 'I guess I do, too…'"


10."You know all the celebrities that die. I remember celebrity deaths to me for years were just always random people that might as well have been from Ancient Rome for how well I knew of them and how old they were. Now, every celebrity death is like, 'What?!??! She died?? But she was just in that movie!' But then you remember that for you, 'just in that movie' was a movie 30 years or more ago sometimes."


11."The song '1979' by The Smashing Pumpkins is closer to the year 1979 than it is to our current time, and not inconsiderably so. Released in 1995."


12."My kid makes fun of me because I mix white milk with chocolate milk because it's too sweet. Just leave me alone and grab my Lactaid."


13."You know what's a totally not fun game to play with your younger coworkers? Asking them what cartoons they grew up watching."


14."When my Mom moved into my mirror."


Jamie Lee Curtis saying, "I'm old!"
Jamie Lee Curtis saying, "I'm old!"


15."My 'Check Knee' light turned on."


16."I was watching Derry Girls and thinking, 'Finally, they cast actual teenagers in a show about teenagers!' They were all over 25, and one of them was 31."


17."Spent my 30th birthday itching to go home and take my new cordless vacuum cleaner for a spin."


18."When the supermarket started playing the music I listened to in high school."


19."Getting annoyed when they rearrange the grocery store."


A woman throwing bags of chips into her grocery store basket
A woman throwing bags of chips into her grocery store basket


20."Seeing athletes get drafted into the NFL that were born after 2000. Also, watching guys I saw get drafted now retiring."


21."I teach writing to college freshmen. I had a student writing about standardized testing who started a paragraph with the phrase: 'Beliefs about education at the turn of the century worked from the assumption that...' It took me two paragraphs to realize that the turn she was talking about was 1999 to 2000. This was two years ago. The resulting existential crisis is still unresolved."


22."I had to go to a Walgreens to get my passport photo taken. They use a digital camera. The clerk helping me was so young, she said something like, 'I’ve never used one of these old type cameras before.' I had to help her get the SD card out and put it in the printer."


Matt Damon becoming old
Matt Damon becoming old


Do you have an "oh god, I'm old" moment you want to share? Let us know about it in the comments, and we can cry together.

Some comments may have been edited for length or clarity.