22 Starbucks Etiquette Tips That'll Make Any Barista Want To Give You A Hug

Hi, my name is Audrey, and I was a Starbucks barista for two and a half years.

a barista smiling
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Over my time as a barista, I noticed there were a select handful of things customers did that, well, I wish they didn't. So as a former employee, here are some do's and don'ts that I personally think will make you a barista's favorite customer.

a Starbucks barista
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

1.PLEASE DON'T dump liquid in the trash can.

the trash can at Starbucks

2.PLEASE order food first.

Starbucks hot panini

3.PLEASE DON'T ask us to throw away trash from your car.

a person handing over a bag at a drive-thru

Taking in trash from the drive-thru window is a health code violation. Please don't get upset when the barista refuses to throw away your trash for you.

Kmatija / Getty Images

4.PLEASE ask if you have questions about the menu.

customers looking at the menu

5.PLEASE DON'T make an "I just want a plain coffee; do you even have that here?" comment.

a barista pouring coffee

Yes, they do. The have three blends: dark, medium, and blonde roast. All you have to do is order a [size] [roast], like a tall dark. That's the regular cup of coffee. An americano is also very similar, so that's a good alternative to a brewed coffee, as well.

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

6.PLEASE only order a secret menu drink if you know the recipe.

7.PLEASE DON'T leave your wipers on at the drive-thru window.

windshield wiper

This is not just exclusive to Starbucks. There are times during rain where the windshield wipers would flick water directly into the window and at the employee on drive-thru. Stay mindful of it because it makes the employee on drive-thru wet, cold, and sad.

Rolfo Brenner / Getty Images/EyeEm

8.PLEASE keep in mind we can see you and hear you as soon as you pull up to the speaker box.

speaker box

9.PLEASE DON'T say, "Well the other Starbucks does it like this."

a barista making a pour-over

10.PLEASE specify if you want espresso drinks or chais iced or hot.

a hot drink

11.PLEASE DON'T micromanage the barista who is making your drink.

baristas making coffee

12.PLEASE ask for a straw instead of reaching over the counter to get one.


The odds of you and a barista colliding are much greater when you reach over the partition to get your own straw. I promise you aren't bothering them. Also, it's kind of invading their space? I don't know how else to describe it, but just ask.

The Washington Post / The Washington Post via Getty Images

13.PLEASE DON'T give sweaty money to the cashier.

a person pulling money out of their shirt

This happened to me a lot because I worked at a Starbucks next to a park that was popular for runners and bikers, but taking sweaty money that came out of a shirt or bra or waistband is gross. Please pay with your app or maybe put your money in a little baggie to shield it?

Michaeljung / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14.PLEASE put your phone down before ordering your drink.

customers in line at Starbucks

15.PLEASE DON'T leave straw wrappers or unused napkins on the table when you leave.

used Starbucks cups, napkins, and receipts

16.PLEASE place a mobile order before you get to the store.

sign for mobile orders

17.PLEASE DON'T pay with a large bill.

a person ordering at a Starbucks

The poor barista will try to make change for a $100 bill with $10s or $5s and then wipe themselves out of change. Please be nice and break large bills at a grocery store or something.

John Moore / Getty Images

18.PLEASE, if you move the patio furniture, put it back the way you found it.

people sitting outside at Starbucks

19.PLEASE DON'T order a coffee traveler when you're in a time crunch.

barista pulling out a traveler

20.PLEASE use your real name.

a person ordering and a barista punching in the order

21.PLEASE DON'T complain to a barista about your stars.

a person's star balance

Baristas have zero control over your stars and can't see anything related to your Starbucks account. Anytime someone asked me, I directed them to the phone number on the back of Starbucks gift cards because I couldn't help. Once again, nobody at the store can control stars.


22.Finally, PLEASE, if you're going to order water, order it at the cash register.

a person ordering from a barista