Kids Massively Oversharing And 21 Other Hilarious Things That'll Happen When School Is Back

Hello, parents! It's almost the end of summer, which means it's just about back-to-school time! Now regardless of whether the idea of sending your kids back to school makes you feel like this:


Or this:

The reality is that sending your kids back to school is guaranteed to be one thing: funny. It's just a fact...a whole lot of funny things are about to happen. Like what you say? Well...

1. For starters, there's all the work your kids are going to do, which just might make you cringe and laugh at the same time.

2. This fifth grader, for example, definitely made his parents cringe and laugh with this homework he turned in after a "birds and bees" lesson.

It reads...

This is what I learned about female fertility:

It's gross. Did I hear this right? Vaginas pee out blood? Man, it's good to be a BOY!

This is what I learned about male fertility:

It's also gross. The sperm swim? How does the penis become "erect?" What is erect?

These are some questions I have:

I've learned enough.

3.Maybe the funniest assignments, though, are the ones kids take in a direction their teacher did NOT anticipate.

drawing of someone buried in the ground

4. Like, did this student's teacher expect them to finish their report on dinosaurs in this brutally hilarious way? Probably not!

5. Kids will see things in hilariously unexpected ways at other times, too (as this man quickly found out).

When a child thinks your outfit is a Minion costume, you REALLY need to rethink your whole wardrobe.

6. Honestly, kids will be just plain funny. Or maybe I should say weird. Hmmm. Let's just say they'll be somewhere between really funny and really weird.

7. This note between two kids discussing whether a cookie is delicious enough to be worth a bout of diarrhea DEFINITELY falls in the hilariously weird category.

8.While we're discussing kid need to see this hilariously weird (but kind of wise) note between a kid asking "Do you like me? yes, no" and a kid responding "I don't know. I don't know myself yet. Plus I'm under a lot of stress at home, so I can't tell. P.S. You don't know yourself until you're 18." / Via

9. To be fair, kids can also be 100% legitimately funny...with nothing weird, cringey, or unexpected about it.

10. Gotta love this kid who picked out this back to school T-shirt. I mean, this is what you can expect to see when you drop your kid off on the first day! Priceless!

11. And speaking of funny kids — the one who made this Earth Day poster is definitely a future comedian. It reads "Keep the Earth clean. It isn't Uranus."

12. It's not just the kids who will be funny though, it's the people who work at the school too, like this teacher.

13. And, OK, this teacher.

14. And definitely this janitor...I don't even know him but he's one of my favorite all-time people.

15.Also hilariously awesome? This principal who filled in for the crossing guard wearing a T-Rex costume.

  u/jonwithgames / Via

16. The PTA members who put together this alternative fundraiser — complete with donation categories like "I do not want to bake, so here is the money I would have spent on cupcakes" — are also very funny people.

I think my favorite category is the "I do not want to walk, swim, or run in any activity that has the word 'thon' in it. Here is the money I would have spent on my child's 'FREE' T-shirt."

17.The other parents will make you laugh, too — like this dad who was alone in thinking parents were supposed to wear costumes to the school costume parade.

dad wearing a dinosaur costume

18.While we're on the subject of parental misunderstandings, they tend to be pretty hilariously epic. Now I've never been blessed enough to be at a winter holidays show where one kid accidentally came in an Elvis costume instead of an elf one, but — fingers crossed — maybe one day.

all kids dressed as elves except for one, dressed as elvis

19. You'll make some hilarious mishaps, too (like the one the parents of this six-year-old made on his birthday).

20. Just going to the school might make you laugh, especially if you try to use a pre-school bathroom.

21. Even simply seeing the class roster could "aid in" improving your mood.

22. Lastly, it's very possible something will happen during the 2022/2023 school year that'll make you smile for years to come, so — instead of dreading all of the early mornings, parent/teacher conferences, and homework — focus on the fact it'll all be pretty darn funny!