22 People Who Spent A Toooooon Of Money On Something And Immediately Regretted It

1. The person who turned their keyboard into straight-up goop:

2. The person who quite literally screwed their headphone jack up:

3. The person who now has a direct line to freakin' Meltman:

4. The person who took the rice trick very, very literally:

5. The person with the world's stickiest computer in existence:

6. The person who erased language itself:

7. The person who roasted themselves some fresh cooked phone:

8. The person who got the brand-new 40-degree Mac:

9. The person who was kind enough to let their mouse get a little air:

10. The person who gave their laptop a beautiful new makeover:

11. The person who treated their iPhone glass like a dang banana. A BANANA!

12. The person who picked the best place in the world to light a candle:

13. The proud owner of a brand-new wireless mouse:

14. The person who taped up that pesky fan and got an extra-hot computer as a little treat:

15. The person who had their entire gaming life crumble beneath them:

16. The person who treated their monitor like a dang orange. AN ORANGE!

17. The person who will stay far, far away from candlelit manors:

18. The person who will never lose this cord again:

19. The person who's eatin' some good roasted Chromebook tonight:

20. The person with the scratchiest iPod in all of the land:

21. The person who basically blew away their iPad:

22. And the person who added HINGES to a COMPUTER:

My goodness!