22 Funny ChatGPT Fails And Screenshots That'll Hopefully Make You Worry Less About The Singularity

ChatGPT has been available to the public for a while now, and the people of Reddit have been messing around with it and sharing their results on r/ChatGPT.

"This is so exciting!"

And while I — like many people out there — am a bit worried about how AI technology is going to be used in the future, these screenshots of people's conversations with ChatGPT at least reassured me that the singularity is a ways away. Here are some of the funniest convos people shared:

(By the way, we can't guarantee that these are authentic and haven't been fabricated or manipulated at all, so take all of these with a grain of salt.)

1.This person turned ChatGPT into the bro-iest bro that ever bro'd.

"You can do better than that"

2.You were close, ChatGPT. Honestly, super close.

A rendering of Shrek

3.Score one for the artificial intelligence on this one.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist breaking the one-word rule to answer that."

4.Oof. Ouch.

"Everyone likes you all the time."

5.This one is not ChatGPT — it's Google's early attempt at AI — and it seemed to have a "why don't you just do it yourself" attitude.

"I am not able to answer that question..."

6.Thanks for being supportive, I guess?

"The sum of 1 and 0.9 is indeed 1.8."

7.Of course, why didn't I get that?

"Put them together and you get 'Baseball.'"

8."Why are you asking me if I'm fire? I'm obviously an AI language model. Answer the riddle, human."

"No, I'm not fire."

9.Apparently, AI does not like being tricked.

"HA! made you smile."

10.The AI did okay here, but there's no way it's coming back from "You've got the flow of a TI-85." That's brutal.

"You've got the flow of a TI-85"

11.This... this isn't what we sound like, is it?

"Let's get this party started, fam!"

12.And why does Gen Z sound the same as the millennial?

"Are you living your best life or what?"

13.Hewwo, my name is Oppenheimer! *glomps you*

"Remember, friendship is magic, but nuclear weapons are NOT!"

14.Gotta appreciate the dedication here.

"That's incorrect."

15.Honestly, you would think ChatGPT was doing a bit here. This reads like "Who's On First?"

"Does it live in water?"
"Is it a domesticated animal?"
"Is it a bear?"
"Is it a platypus?"

16.Obviously, rock-paper-scissors isn't ChatGPT's best game either.

"I choose rock! What do you choose?"

17.This just confirms that my own writing quality is a -2/10.

"Shooty-shoot and science bro do sand walkies..."

18.Thank you, that is more detail.

"any more detail"

19.Well, ahoy matey.

"Please note that this list is not exhaustive..."

20.Uh oh, I think this finally broke it.

"no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"

21.Sometimes, it's hard to tell if the AI is being too literal or is telling a dad joke.

"Say it 10 times"

22.And finally... gottem.

"What is updog?"