22 Mistakes Workers Made That You Can't Even Be Mad At Because Technically, They Did Their Job

1.Whoever made this sign to guide customers to the nearest 24-hour pharmacy.

A sign about the nearest 24-hour pharmacy, and it's a pharmacy whose hours are 9–5

2.Whoever wrote this headline that's trying to draw clicks while spoiling one crucial detail.

CNBC headline: "This is how much a $1.7 million Bugatti costs"

3.Whoever painted this photo in great detail, watermark included.

"Make everything better" sign in a café with "Shutterstock" in the background

4.Whoever was responsible for covering this hole in the most lazy (albeit creative) way possible.

Handwritten sign "There was a hole here; it's gone now" on a wall above a sink

5.Whoever put watermelon in this bin that's definitely not labeled for watermelon.

Bin with "Onions: 5 lb bag $5 each" and "Potatoes" written on it, with whole watermelons in it

6.Whoever installed this faucet.

A faucet that's not long enough to clear the side of the basin

7.Whoever made the signs and prices for nonmembers and members.

Price for blueberries is $5 for members and nonmembers

8.Whoever prepared this package.

  u/nereuszeer / Via reddit.com

9.Whoever was responsible for the text on this cup.

"Love, piece, joy"

10.Whoever confused Avatar: The Last Airbender with Avatar, the James Cameron movie franchise...

Avatar, the Last Airbender on the label of a T-shirt with images of Avatars on it

...I mean, come on.

Close-up of the label

11.Whoever stamped the expiration date on the hamburger buns, literally.

Hamburger buns with expiration dates on the actual bread

12.Whoever did this paint job a little too thoroughly.

A painted light bulb

13.Whoever refilled these candy dispensers.

Large bags of candy stuffed into the dispenser instead of loose candies

14.Whoever was responsible for putting clothes on this mannequin.

  u/benkozich / Via reddit.com

15.Whoever put the maintenance-hole cover back like this.

Pattern on the cover is the reverse of the rest of the street

16.Whoever filled this can labeled "BLACK BEANS."

Red beans inside a ban labeled "Black beans"

17.Whoever decided all fruits and vegetables are interchangeable, even when you're trying to teach kids about 'em.

"Pineapple" label for a potato, "grapes" for a tomato, and "cherry" for a red bell pepper

18.Whoever was responsible for putting a restaurant logo on the payment booklet.

"Restaurant logo here" on the booklet

19.Whoever put together this sign advertising fruits and vegetables.

"Fruits and vegetables" heading with a bunch of "Your text here" below it

20.Whoever was responsible for painting, not the handling or disposal of roaches.

A painted-over roach on a wall

21.Whoever had the simple job of coming up with five words that start with "C":

"Pictionary starts with C," followed by "Chain, mobile phone, camera, cliff, and coat hanger"

22.And finally, whoever chose these spotty, green, moldy-looking sheets to separate these slices of cheese.

A packet of cheese slices that look like they have mold on them