214 Good Questions to Ask Friends, From BFFs to New Pals

Photo: Jean Catuffe/GC Images

Most people can safely say they know their closest friends extremely well, but what about the deep lore that might not have been brought up naturally? You probably know a lot about them, but you can always go deeper with this list of good questions to ask your friends.

Sometimes dedicating a night to a Q&A for friends is not only beneficial for your relationships but can also be hilarious. You might even jog some memories they had forgotten, or make them think introspectively about a serious topic. There are plenty of interesting questions to ask friends, even if you’ve known them most of your life.

Being a best friend means continually finding new ways to show you care and invest in knowing them truly. Asking questions that expand your understanding of what makes them tick — from the experiences that have shaped them to their hopes for the future — is a great way to do that. We’ve rounded up the best questions, ranging from silly to serious, that are sure to bring out all the feels and spark a stronger bond between you.

But of course, your BFF didn’t become your ride or die overnight. Knowing what kinds of questions to ask your friend group at large, including new friends, will help you cultivate closeness with everyone in your circle. That’s why we’ve also included questions for friends and questions to ask to get to know someone, so you can deepen your bond with pals who aren’t a BFF — yet.

So, grab your bestie for a questions date, or pull up this list of 214 fun questions to ask friends the next time you’re hanging with your group. You’ll be surprised by how much there is to learn about people, no matter how far into the friendship you are!

In this article:

Juicy questions to ask friends

Random questions to ask friends

Questions to ask your best friend

Deep questions to ask your friends

Fun questions to ask friends

Questions to ask a new friend

Juicy questions to ask friends

When it comes to friendship questions, these are the ones that will dig the deepest. Prompts like this are best brought up late at night during a sleepover, right before you all hit snoozetown.

1. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done in public?

2. What’s an embarrassing thing you’ve done and never told anyone about?

3. What’s the most bizarre text you’ve ever received?

4. What’s the cringiest thing you’ve ever put up on social media?

5. How much does your personality change when you’re around different people?

6. What’s the nicest thing someone has done for you?

7. If someone wrote a book about you, what would it be called?

8. Do you believe in having one best friend?

9. How do you define beauty?

10. What do you think is the most annoying quality a person can have?

11. Who do you think shouldn’t be a celebrity?

12. Who is/ was your most unexpected crush?

13. When/ where was your first kiss?

14. What type of person do you picture ending up with?

15. What’s your guilty pleasure movie/ TV show?

16. What’s your Roman Empire? (Something you can’t stop thinking about).

17. What’s the best piece of gossip you’ve ever received?

18. What part of your Zodiac sign do you most relate to?

19. What’s your favorite travel story?

Random questions to ask friends

Sometimes the situation just calls for a random question or two. Head right this way when you’re looking to laugh a little.

1. Have you ever had a crush on a cartoon character?

2. Would you ever open a business?

3. What’s the worst holiday in your opinion?

4. What are you putting off right now?

5. Did you build forts when you were a kid? What did they look like?

6. What do you think the best prank of all time is?

7. If you got to design a new instrument, what would you create and what would it sound like?

8. Is there anything you’d wait in line for a week to do, see, or get?

9. If flowers could talk, what do you think they would sound like?

10. If you could choose only one condiment to eat for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

11. If you could be any household item, which would you choose?

12. If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people?

13. What bodily function do you wish would just go away?

14. If you had to eat an entire barrel of one single thing, what would you choose?

15. If you could shoot anything from a cannon, what would you pick?

16. Do you have a favorite family tradition?

17. Describe your dream house.

18. What’s your favorite cheesy joke?

19. If you could name your brain, what would you name it?

20. What subject would you take a crash course in?

21. What’s your favorite form of transportation?

22. If you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

23. How gullible do you consider yourself?

24. What do you think you’ll be doing exactly 10 years from this moment?

25. What’s the spiciest food you’ve ever eaten?

Questions to ask your best friend

Reserve these for the people you know best. Some things are meant for the friends you’ve been through everything with.

1. What embarrasses you the most?

2. What’s your love language?

3. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?

4. What’s your all-time favorite memory?

5. Where do you hope to be five years from now? Ten? Fifteen?

6. When have you felt the most challenged?

7. Have you ever been bullied?

8. Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?

9. Out of all your family members, who are you closest to?

10. What do you do when no one else is around?

11. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

12. What do you think happens when we die?

13. Do you want to have kids one day? How many?

14. What's the worst you've ever been physically hurt?

15. What's your earliest childhood memory?

16. When you can't sleep, what keeps you up at night?

17. What's the last lie you told?

18. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

19. What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?

20. What do you consider your best physical feature?

21. What are the top three things that stress you out?

22. What are the top three ways you deal with stress?

23. If you could only have three things on your life bucket list, what would they be?

24. If you choose to get married one day, what would your dream proposal scenario be?

25. What’s the most loved you’ve ever felt?

26. If you could create a theme park, what would it look like?

27. When’s the last time you felt inspired to create something?

28. Have you ever experienced a “friendship breakup”? What did it teach you?

29. Who was your first friend, and are they still in your life?

30. Would you ever consider being in a long-distance relationship?

31. What do you think the best way to resolve conflict is?

32. How did your parents meet?

33. Do you feel that you have a healthy relationship with social media?

34. Who’s been your favorite teacher?

35. What are your favorite childrens’ names?

36. Is there a time when I made you feel particularly well supported?

37. How can I be a better friend to you?

38. What does friendship mean to you?

Deep question to ask friends

1. What do you feel the most guilty about?

2. Who do you wish you could reconnect with?

3. What stresses you out the most?

4. When do you feel the most alone?

5. Have you ever been in love?

6. Do you believe in love at first sight?

7. What’s the biggest lesson your last relationship taught you?

8. What’s one thing you would change about yourself?

9. Who is someone you wish you could apologize to?

10. What was the last turning point in your life?

11. What thing keeps you going on hard days?

12. Who do you feel the safest around?

13. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

14. What’s the biggest leap of faith you’ve taken?

15. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?

16. What’s your biggest fear?

17. Who was the last person to make you cry and why?

18. When have you felt the most proud?

19. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?

20. What's the best present you ever received? Who gave it to you and why was it so special?

21. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

22. Do you believe in soulmates?

23. What has your hardest goodbye in life been so far?

24. When was the last time you were jealous and why?

25. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?

26. What do you think you’ll be like in old age?

27. What’s something you’d consider unforgivable?

28. Do you believe in monogamy?

Fun questions to ask friends

Fill the silence with these goofy queries.

1. Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at many things?

2. What’s your favorite thing you own and why?

3. Have you ever had your fortune told?

4. Would you rather order in or eat out?

5. What was the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?

6. What’s your favorite podcast?

7. What’s been your most questionable haircut and/or fashion moment?

8. If money was no object, what would you buy?

9. What did you dream about last night?

10. When was the moment in your life you laughed the hardest?

11. What do you do when no one else is around?

12. Where do you want to travel the most?

13. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

14. What book has impacted you the most?

15. What’s your favorite commercial?

16. What are the qualities that attract you most in a love interest?

17. You just won $10,000 — what are you going to do with the money?

18. What's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?

19. What's your favorite way to exercise?

20. Do you like roller coasters?

21. What is your most hated chore and why?

22. What's your favorite holiday and why?

23. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

24. If you were going to get some ink, what would you choose and why?

25. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

26. If you had to choose only one, would you pick a dog or a cat?

27. Do you believe in aliens?

28. If you were President, what's the first thing you would work to change in this country?

29. If you had to live in another time period, what would you choose?

30. Who was your very first crush?

31. What foreign language(s) would you want to master and why?

32. What's your all-time favorite dessert?

33. Do you believe in ghosts?

34. What’s your survival plan during a zombie apocalypse?

35. If you were an animal, what would you be?

36. If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, who would it be and what would you name them?

37. What’s your No. 1 karaoke song?

38. Have you ever been on a blind date?

39. What was your AIM screen name, or your first email address?

40. What’s your favorite piece of random trivia?

41. What was your first concert?

42. Which decade, in your opinion, had the best fashion trends?

43. If a song played every time you entered a room, what would it be?

44. What’s your skincare routine?

45. Did you ever go to summer camp?

46. When was the last time you got to really experience nature?

47. Do you feel that you’re young at heart, or an old soul?

48. What does your name mean, and why was it given to you?

49. What’s an unexpected movie that makes you cry?

Questions to ask a new friend

When you’re first getting to know someone, stick to the important (and high-level) questions. After all, they may spark some deeper conversation.

1. What are your pronouns?

2. What would be your perfect day? Plan it out from waking up to bedtime.

3. What’s your zodiac sign?

4. What’s your Enneagram type?

5. On vacation, are you the relax-by-the-pool type or a get-up-and-go adventurer?

6. Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

7. What college major are you thinking of choosing and why?

8. If you could only listen to one singer or band for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

9. What's your go-to dish when you have to make dinner?

10. Are you a superstitious person?

11. What’s your favorite board game to play?

12. Who’s the best movie villain?

13. Who’s your favorite follow on TikTok? On Instagram?

14. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?

15. If you had to describe yourself in only three words, what would you choose? What words do you think your friends would choose to describe you?

16. Do you have any phobias?

17. What are your top three biggest pet peeves?

18. What's your favorite color and what's your least favorite color?

19. What would your dream vacay consist of?

20. Are you competitive?

21. What’s a tough experience that you learned and grew from?

22. What’s your relationship with your parents like?

23. Do you most often follow your heart or your head?

24. What’s the most unexpected or unusual thing on your bucket list?

25. What was your last romantic relationship like?

26. What’s a value you’re unwilling to compromise on?

27. What's your absolute dream job?

28. If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?

29. What TV show do you turn on when you just want to zone out and feel better?

30. What was the last movie you watched in a theater?

31. If you could time travel, where would you go?

32. What do you usually have for breakfast?

33. What's your favorite plant or flower?

34. What’s your favorite season and why?

35. Who always makes you laugh?

36. What do you think your best quality is?

37. What is your definition of success?

38. What’s your most-watched movie?

39. Do you have any hidden talents?

40. What’s the best thing you’ve dressed up as for Halloween?

41. Would you rather live by the ocean or in the mountains?

42. What’s the longest trip you’ve taken?

43. Are you a right brain or left brain person?

44. What is your most-used emoji?

45. What’s a bad habit you’re trying to break?

46. What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

47. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

48. Do you like to recharge alone or around other people?

49. What’s the best museum you’ve ever been to?

50. When can we hang out again?

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