21 Under 21: Kheris Rogers Flexin' in My Complexion Line Made Her the Youngest Person to Show During Fashion Week

<cite class="credit">Artwork: Jessica Holmes, Photo: Provided by Subject</cite>
Artwork: Jessica Holmes, Photo: Provided by Subject

Kheris Rogers is part of Teen Vogue’s 21 Under 21 class of 2018, which spotlights extraordinary young women, girls, and femmes making waves in their industries or passions of choice.*

Kheris Rogers may be the youngest person to ever show during Fashion Week, but that’s just a small part of her dozens of accomplishments. At just 10 years old (she’s now 11) she started Flexin’ in My complexion, a line of apparel that aims to empower people of color to feel confident in their own skin. “What made me want to start Flexin' in My Complexion was me getting bullied for my skin color, my skin complexion,” she tells Teen Vogue. “And I want other people to know that they're not alone.”

The now famous phrase started as something that Kheris’s grandmother would tell her as a way to lift her up when she was getting bullied by people in school because of her skin color. Her line has been worn by everyone from Alicia Keys to Lupita Nyong'o, which Kheris says means the world to her because they “inspire young girls” the same way she wants to. To add to the list of celebs who love her, recently she was one of 16 girls chosen by LeBron James to be part of the campaign for his latest collection with Nike.

Despite these incredible moments, there is one thing that has stuck out as extremely special for Kheris in the past year. “I was on America's Next Top Model and that was probably the most crazy thing ever,” she says. “Just knowing that being a kid and you're on America's Next Top Model, and Tyra Banks is staring at you. That's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Of course, having celebrity fans is great, but that’s not what Kheris’s mission is about. “Flexin' in My Complexion means to me that you are beautiful,” she says with passion.

“It doesn't matter what other people think about you. It's what you think about yourself. You should always believe in yourself.”

It’s a sentiment that she carries into her own life despite the obstacles or boundaries she faces because of her age or the way she looks. In fact, she has some advice for other people like her who may be inspired by her work: “If someone tells you you’re too young to do what you want to do, I would say not to listen to them. Basically, just go for it because no one can say you can't do this. It's what you want to do. No one can stop you from doing your dream.”

Outside of just being a kid and going to school, Kheris plans on continuing to take her message further through her clothing line. “We’re going to be adding new stuff to the company and getting new styles soon,” she reveals. “We’re expanding the line now. In a few years you will see me have my own clothing stores.” We can’t wait.