21 Under 21: Amika George Is Here to Remind You That Periods Aren't Gross

<cite class="credit">Artwork: Jessica Holmes, Photo: Provided by Subject</cite>
Artwork: Jessica Holmes, Photo: Provided by Subject

Amika George is part of Teen Vogue’s 21 Under 21 class of 2018, which spotlights extraordinary young women, girls, and femmes making waves in their industries or passions of choice.

When Amika George started #FreePeriods, she aimed to get just 10 signatures on a petition asking Prime Minister Theresa May to give all girls who are eligible for free lunch in the U.K. free menstrual products as well. Little did she know that in the span of just a few weeks the petition would have about 2,000 signatures and a little more than a year later the signature count would be approaching 200,000.

“I did feel quite alone in thinking it was just me who cared about this,” Amika tells Teen Vogue. “Seeing all these people come together … it really reinforced that it’s a big issue that most people, if they hear about it, the vast majority would want to help to end it. For me, it felt like I was part of a big community of people who were passionate about something and wanted to change it.”

Amika, 19, was nominated for Teen Vogue’s 21 under 21, by actor Emma Watson for her extraordinary work toward menstrual equality. As her successes accumulate, Amika says she’s living proof of just how much young people are capable of.

Amika started #FreePeriods in April 2017 with the goal of making long-term provisions to ensure that everyone who needs menstrual products in the U.K. has them. She started the initiative after learning that young people in the U.K. and around the world are forced to miss school because they don’t have anything to catch their menstrual flow. She learned that in some cases young people wad up tissues or use T-shirt strips in place of menstrual products in hopes of being able to go to school just like non-menstruators can.

In addition to her petition, the North Londoner also organized a protest in December 2017 that brought more than 2,000 people into the streets to fight for period equality. Much of the support for her campaign has come from social media Amika said, which is why she thinks online platforms are crucial for young people’s success.

“Growing up in a more digital age, we’ve realized… that as a teenager you can elicit political change and have an impact on the world,” Amika says. “That’s sadly a new concept, but there are examples all over the world of young people standing up for things they believe in. I think that’s definitely going to continue.”

In another 19 years, when she’s double her current age, Amika says she hopes that believing in young people is the norm. Another thing she hopes is different? Period shame.

“I’d like to think that the idea of the embarrassment and shame [about periods will be gone]. I think we are moving forward now,” Amika says. “People are starting to question this idea that menstruation is disgusting.”

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