21 Under 21: Aaron Philip Was Shut Out of NYFW, But She’s Just Getting Started

<cite class="credit">Artwork: Jessica Holmes, Photo: Bryan Whitely</cite>
Artwork: Jessica Holmes, Photo: Bryan Whitely

Aaron Philip is part of Teen Vogue’s 21 Under 21 class of 2018, which spotlights extraordinary young women, girls, and femmes making waves in their industries or passions of choice.

Seventeen-year-old Aaron Philip went viral after posting a tweet with photos of herself that was liked nearly 100,000 time, and received over 25,000 retweets — "honestly when i get scouted/discovered by a modeling agency it’s OVER for y’all!" she tweeted. Aaron spoke her success into being—she was signed to the agency Elite NYC in September, making her one of the first black, trans, and disabled modles in the fashion world (Aaron was born with cerbral palsy, and is a wheelchair user)—and used social media to create her own form of visibility. She even grabbed the attention of Teen Vogue fave Rowan Blanchard, who nominated her for "21 Under 21." But being signed was just the first step on a long road to success — one that has tried to create further blockades in her journey.

Although signed at the start of September, the biggest month for the fashion industry, she didn’t walk in any of the shows during New York Fashion Week. [Writer’s note: “walk” is an industry term that refers to any models performing at a fashion show, including models who use mobility devices such as a wheelchair, and is a term that Aaron uses herself.]

"My agents really wanted me to have a hot debut on the runway," Aaron told Teen Vogue. "We were preparing for it, and things seemed to be going well, until unfortunately, they couldn’t get me on a runway this season because there was no wheelchair accessibility on the runway. I thought NYFW would have have peak accessibility and access for people of all body types and modes of mobility. I would think NYC would be the image for that, but apparently not."

Not being booked for NYFW has not deterred Aaron by any means. She says she will continue to speak up so that accessibility issues won’t be a thing on runways anymore. Her agents at Elite continue to support her as well, whom she describes as "resplendent people."

"They see what I see," she said, "and they want to put me out there the way that I want to put myself out there. It’s really special."

Aaron hopes to have a lasting impact with her career and sustained visibility. But when asked about the future she wishes to see, she pointed specifically at changes within the government.

"I want this administration out. I really do. I just want the government to love the people who are in this country. This government is full of apathy. There’s no love, no respect, no morals. It’s a really evil time right now. I hope in 21 years we won’t have to see that. I’m just so sick of living with a government that constantly berates women and femmes and trans people. We need to go back to a government that takes care of its citizens more than anything."

Aaron’s journey to becoming a professional model was one that she had to fight for. She proves that what society dictates about your level of mobility, gender, race, or age cannot deter you from following your dreams. And for all of the young girls and femmes trying to break into the modeling world, she wants to lend this advice:

"Know your worth. You are so special and beautiful, and no one can take that away from you. Come into the industry with a clear mind, and know that this is your journey."