21 Creepy Things People Found While Urban Exploring

Urban exploring has been a passion for people chasing adventure and the thrill of rediscovering the beauty of forgotten things.

Old abandoned structure in Orte, Italy
Paolo Carnassale / Getty Images

For example, with 17M views on YouTube, these explorers discovered a mannequin shark rotting inside a tank at an abandoned Australian Wildlife Park. Imagine strolling in the dark and turning to find this:

An urban explorer walks toward a shark in a shark tank
An urban explorer walks toward a shark in a shark tank

LukieMC / Youtube

Here are 22 findings on urban exploring trips that are bound to give you the hee-bee-gee-bees:

NOTE: the Internet has plenty of staged encounters on urban exploring adventures, so I tried to stick with natural things. Sorry if you were looking for ghosts in windows!

1.In Japan, an urban explorer stumbled upon an abandoned wild west theme park, dummies included.

An old west dummy sits with its feet on a table
Exploring With Josh / YouTube

2.One explorer dared to search an abandoned mausoleum where caskets collected dust and stayed frozen in time.

A coffin hanging out of a crypt
King of Exploring / YouTube

3.Can you guess what this fast food joint was inside an abandoned mall?

An abandoned fast food place inside of a mall
Bright Sun Films

4.These explorers found a gravestone collecting dust inside an abandoned mansion.

A tombstone in the corner of a room inside of an abandoned building
Exploring with Fighters

5.Charles Entertainment Cheese looks a little fried inside this abandoned Chuck E. Cheese.

A crisped Chuck E Cheese cutout
Urbax Vibes / YouTube

6.Although it might be tempting, I wouldn't drink the soda inside this McAbandoned McDonald's. It's wild that they left behind so much!

cleared out McDonalds
Urbax Vibes

7.How about this uncomfortable-looking bed that was found inside an abandoned home in Jewell, Oregon?

A rusted bed surrounded by peeled walls
Decay with us / YouTube

8.These columns were found deep underground. I hope they stay strong for all who venture there.

cement columns holding up the ceiling inside of a cave
Hell on Earth / YouTube

9.This explorer felt nostalgic going inside his abandoned school and even found his class yearbook!

An abandoned school
Exploring with Josh / YouTube

10.There's an abandoned Wizard of Oz park (now reopened) that left behind some things that will make you not feel like you're in Kansas anymore.

Yellow brick road
Adamthewoo / YouTube

11.This U-Boat entrance inside an Albanian military bunker shows us a wild contrast between the fresh water and deteriorated walls.

A U-Boat entrance and rusted walls
Exploring the Unbeaten Path / YouTube

12.A cute little rocking horse (I shall name them Dusty for all the dust) was found in this abandoned house in the woods.

a rocking horse in an abandoned house
Adam Mark Explores / YouTube

13.Many creeps in this 200-year-old abandoned home, including a child's bed frame.

A pink bed frame in a rundown room
BigBankz / YouTube

14.An unfinished game night on a table inside an abandoned home. This might be the original rage quit!

A table with an old chess board and wine bottles
BigBankz / YouTube

15.This door of a home more than 100 years old is something out of a horror movie. Boarded down and multiple locks. What were they keeping out? (cue spooky music)

A boarded up door
Urban Exploring with Kappy

16.How about this destroyed theater inside an abandoned school?

Rundown theater with graffiti everywhere
K-Brew / YouTube

17.Straps on an old hospital bed...no thank you.

a hospital bed with straps on it
Exploring the Unbeaten Path / YouTube

18.The scariest part of this abandoned home might be how well it is kept. Seriously, that might be scarier than any dust-caked object.

An old TV and armchair
Urban Exploring with Kappy / YouTube

19.For some reason, it's creepier to me when items that are more familiar are found in abandoned places. Makes me feel like an old fossil, like this Pokemon book inside of a Victorian home:

Pokemon children's book in an abandoned home
Noah Nowhere / YouTube

20.Check out this abandoned ghost ship and the toilets that hadn't been used in decades.

An abandoned ship
Dame Untamed / YouTube

21.Look at this abandoned gym office showcasing old boxing promotional posters.

An abandoned gym
Unseen Adventures / YouTube

If you've ever ventured inside an abandoned place, what's the weirdest thing you've found? Comment below!