21 Things Held In High Regard By Society And Culture That Shouldn't Be

Reddit user u/BeardedTaco88 has people on the internet answering the question, "What is something that's held in high regard in culture and society that's actually garbage?" and the answers are defintely interesting.

Chicken Licken SA / Via media.giphy.com

Some of these things I think we can all agree on, while others may be based on personal experiences. Check out what redditors had to say!

1.Hustle Culture


"Hustle culture, always being on the grind. I get some wild responses when I tell people I work under 40 hours a week and am thriving. Life should be more than work, even if I L O V E my job." —u/horrorharlot1199

2.Overusing Resources

"Owning a house too big you don't even use three or more rooms (excluding bathrooms) on a monthly basis. Owning more cars than there are people who can drive them. Painting your grass green. Wasting tons of water to water your grass so it stays green or to clean your parking spot for the seventh time this month." —u/WinterGlory

3.Toxic Productivity

Apple TV / Via media.giphy.com

"Toxic productivity. Especially content creators who make money by selling an insane facade of a twentysomething-year-old in peak mental and physical shape due to their 4 a.m. wake-up routine and 25 hours of productivity each day." —u/oceanofflavour

4.Men Being Praised for Doing the Bare Minimum

"I've seen a couple of posts that said, I have not harassed a woman or something like that. What do you expect? A trophy? You shouldn't even harass people, regardless." —u/SociallyAwkward423

5.Sleep Deprivation

Nickelodeon / Via media.giphy.com

"'I only got four hours sleep last night.' Yeah, congrats on lowering your body's functionality I guess." —u/chronoslol

"College student here. Last week I had to take three very tough exams, two of which were on the same day. Due to a combination of factors, I ended up sleeping a maximum of four hours a night. By the time Friday rolled over, I was an actual zombie. My body temperature got fucked up, and I had to deal with an unimaginably terrible headache, flu-like symptoms, and extremely painful heart palpation. Sleep deprivation is NOT fun." —u/fadingscarz

6.Content Creators Who Make Low-quality Content

Double Venus Productions

"Vloggers with ugly, cringe, and lame contents + their overly scripted pranks. Seriously, that’s a big shit." —u/imherecozidk



"Cryptocurrency. I myself am a crypto holder, but frankly, most of the projects are just money grabs and re-skinned ponzis." —u/c7rbon909

8.Paparazzi Culture

HBO / Via media.giphy.com

"The way we treat our celebrities, because we treat them like gods or some other deity when they should be treated like any other normal human being and don't even get me started on how the paparazzi are with them." —u/sp_21ones

9.Money = Respect

"Equating money to respect. Just because a beggar does not have money does not mean he does not deserve at least the bare minimum respect as a human being." —u/arc_alt

10."Bottling up emotions..."

Fox / Via media.giphy.com

"... and not asking for help when you need." —u/ChutkiJoTuneMariHai

11.Blindly Respecting Elders


"Respecting all the elders. Not every elder deserve respect." —u/Avani14


Walt Disney Productions / Via tenor.com

"Alcoholism being glorified as fun and living life." —u/strangegeneration94

"I once saw a humoristic comic saying, 'Drinking alone is sad. But being together and not drinking is even sadder.' What baffled me is that many people genuinely believe this. If you can't have fun without alcohol, then THAT is pretty damn sad." —u/Fijzek

13.Designer Perfume

"Designer perfume. The profit must be astronomical even with the overproduced and decadent adverts." —u/skitzofredik

"There's a reason why branded perfume is the first major business venture for many celebrities outside of their talent. They make bank on it." —u/stacyburns88


Walt Disney Productions


15.Wine Mom Culture

"Wine mom culture. It’s essentially alcoholism in pretty wrapping paper so people think it’s cute to get drunk on wine every night to escape the stress of work, kids, housework, etc. Now try replacing wine mom with a man who gets drunk on whiskey every night, and suddenly it’s not so glamorous, yet each is equally harmful." —u/PMacLC

16.Costly Engagement Rings

NBC / Via tenor.com

"Buying diamond engagement rings that are three months' salary. Total horseshit." —u/Rod___father


"Status. Utterly hollow and meaningless and everyone is chasing it constantly. Once you get it, you discover that it feels like nothing." —u/corcedaccount2

18."Gender reveal parties."

ABC / Via tenor.com


19.Buying expensive designer brands

"Designer clothes and handbags. You're paying all that money to wear a logo; you're just paying them to advertise their products. Clothes and bags made out of the same materials go for so much less if you're not getting those extremely well-known brands. Same functionality, same comfort." —u/MentiPopcorn

20.Assuming Higher Education Means You're Smarter Than Everyone

Gracie Fims / Via tenor.com

"PhD's. Just because someone doesn't have a PhD doesn't mean they're stupid and vice versa." —u/RexAlert

21.Centering Your Life Around Your Children Without Taking Time for Yourself or Your Spouse

"Making your children the absolute center of the universe in your family. I've heard moms say that their kids are more important than their spouse and their marriage, and act very proud of that fact. I've seen marriages disintegrate because the parents take no time for each other and let the kids run the show regarding bedtimes, so there's no potential for intimacy. How I see it is that your spousal/partnership relationship is the foundation upon which the family and kids are built. If that's not maintained, the family can't thrive. Showing your kids that they are in control of the family is a fantastic way of creating entitled asshole kids." —u/chickenpants80

Do you agree with these redditors? Is there anything you wanted to add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.