21 Unthinkable Résumés That Instantly Got People Rejected From A Job Opportunity

1. This person doesn't know the meaning of "buffing up" a résumé:

2. This person chose the worst line to screw up on spacing:

3. This person forgot to add a few things:

4. This person didn't even have a résumé:

5. This person better hope that the people reading his résumé are Tupac fans:

6. This person was way too honest about getting let go from every single job they've had:

7. Hopefully, this "quick learner" learned from their mistake:

8. This person included a subreddit (r/Superstonk) as a coding "language" they're fluent in:

9. This person somehow managed to not mention any viable skills:

10. This person essentially included drug dealing on their résumé:

11. This person's résumé was a Rick Roll:

12. This person should probably see a therapist:

13. This person made a résumé that was "beyond" annoying:

14. This person wrote a poem instead of a résumé:

15. This person forgot to delete the template:

16. Same with this person:

17. This person didn't proaofread:

18. This person somehow thought their interaction with the Dos Equis man was relevant:

19. This person said, "Screw a résumé, a video game profile will do":

20. This person wanted a pat on the back for using stairs:

21. And finally, this person definitely did not make it happen: