21 People Who Are Living In 3022, While The Rest Of Us Peasants Are Still In 2022

1. The genius who probably forgot about picture day one time and refuses to let anyone do the same ever again:

2. The sea creature lover who replaced those plastic soda rings with these eco-friendly cardboard ones:

3. The mastermind who came up with this visual boiled egg timer that is a *chef's kiss* invention for anyone who sets a random timer and hopes for the best like me:

4. The person who came up with this handy dandy french fry holder that comes with a place to put your condiments:

5. The owner of this store, who is working smarter and not harder by having a wax security guard in their store 24/7:

6. This person, who did the lord's work and made lids available for cups at the club:

7. This genius, who a) made fun, unique packaging and b) made me feel very special even though I was not, in fact, the one to open this upside down:

8. This genius homeowner who turned his garage into something way more functional than just a storage room:

9. The person who was brilliant enough to put up these "tough topic" sheets for anyone too nervous to ask for help with these subjects in the library:

10. The person who decided to install a vending machine at this hospital full of fresh, healthy, AFFORDABLE!! food instead of crushed up Doritos that are at least three months expired:

11. The restaurant owner who found out that a napkin dispenser can hold face masks too:

12.The designer behind this brilliant contraption that can be two benches, a bench and a table, or one big table, depending on who's using it it:

A table is set up to allow people to fold the two halves apart and turn their half of the table into a bench instead

13. This pizza shop that came up with this eco-friendly, delicious alternative for the little plastic pizza saver you usually get in your box:

14. This person, who had enough of having itchy tag remnants scratching their back all the time and decided to attach their tags with a little piece of fabric instead:

15. The person who decided to get these chairs — which have a little notch to hold your shopping bags or purse — instead of some basic, regular ones:

16. This person, who now has a dehydrator AND super rare, limited edition Wall-E merch:

17. This pet owner who said, "Pets will NOT be excluded from spooky season under my watch!":

18. The genius behind this gas station that not only has hoses that reach both sides of the car, but also has a handy little screen to let drivers know which pumps are free:

19. The genius behind this waterproof cast, which looks wayyyy less itchy and claustrophobic than a classic cast:

20. The smarty pants who put a slushie machine in the urgent care waiting room, because if you're waiting in there, you could probably use a bit of a pick-me-up:

21. And finally, Steve Martin in particular, who came prepared with these "I met Steve Martin!" cards that are equal parts adorable and hilarious:

h/t r/MildlyInteresting