21 Hilariously "Out There" People I'm Really Glad I Don't Have To Deal With IRL

1.This air traveler who blew up a big ol' mattress and took a snooze right there at the gate...like, WHO DOES THAT?!

Someone sleeping on a blow-up mattress at the airport

2.And this person who turned their dishwasher into snack storage instead of, you know, USING IT TO WASH DISHES!

Snacks in a dishwasher

3.This guy who lives like this and has NO PROBLEM WITH IT WHATSOEVER!

A room with no furniture

4.This new sergeant who was told he could have his pinning ceremony anywhere, so he decided to do it in a FREAKING SWIMMING POOL!!!

Soldiers in a swimming pool

5.And this lady who couldn't open the produce bag...so, she said, "SCREW IT! I'LL IMPROVISE!!!"

A plastic bag tied around a potato

6.These Christmas fanatics who decided what they really needed to be festive was...a THREE-STORY TALL SANTA!!!

A giant Santa near a house

7.This guy who made an outdoor urinal so he could pee without having to go inside...LIKE, HE REALLY DID THAT!!!

A urinal on the side of a house

8.And this guy who left himself a note on how to behave in work meetings over Zoom...namely that he should NEVER TALK!!!

"Do not talk during meetings! Do not share your opinion!"

9.This supermarket worker who decided the world needed these prepackaged "Dinner for One" meals...LIKE TWO BEERS, A POTATO, AND CORN? LOLOLOL!

"Dinner for One"

10.And this store worker who chose the perfect mannequin to put this tank top on, and the results were...CHEF'S KISS!!!!

A mannequin missing an arm and wearing a "Jaws" shirt

11.This guy who got a scathing customer service review online and FRAMED THE DAMN THING!

A framed review

12.This disgruntled neighbor who came up with the ultimate way to let the homeowner's association know EXACTLY WHAT HE THOUGHT OF THEM!

A picket fence

13.This brother who went to the trouble of mailing a one-word letter to his sibling, like he BOUGHT A STAMP AND EVERYTHING!


14.This parent of three little ones who — God love 'em — knew EXACTLY WHAT TO GIVE THE TRIO FOR CHRISTMAS!!!

Little kids dressed as Spider-Man

15.This job applicant who submitted this as their entire résumé...LIKE THAT'S IT!!!

A short resume
u/firmteacher / Via reddit.com

It reads: "Resume — was working at a trucking company. just got fired for insubordination. not true. looking for upright employee."

Closeup of a resume
u/firmteacher / Via reddit.com

16.This restaurant owner who knew exactly what they were doing when they put the handle to the bathroom...RIGHT THERE!

Closeup of a bathroom door

17.Whoever decided to hang this "employees only" sign that's 100% EXTRA!!!

Employees only or Scarlet Johansson

18.And the bookstore employee who told customers to stay off the ladder in the most HILARIOUSLY APROPOS WAY EVER!!!

A ladder in a bookstore with a picture of Belle from "Beauty and the Beast"

19.This author who decided that their book would start...ON PAGE 145!!!

Closeup of book text

20.This car owner who wants everyone to know they'd rather be watching...THE MUMMY?!?! (Actually, I get it, LOL).

"Honk if you'd rather be watching the 1999 cinematic masterpiece 'The Mummy' starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz."

Here's a closer look:

"Honk if you'd rather be watching the 1999 cinematic masterpiece 'The Mummy' starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz."

21.And lastly, this person whose commitment to a prank they'll likely never see pay off is TRULY COMMENDABLE!!!

A skeleton sitting in a crawlspace

H/T: r/funny