I Can't Stop Laughing (And Sobbing) At These 20 Tweets About The State Of Humanity

As a great 20th-century philosopher once observed, "We are living in a society."

george in the scene from Seinfeld

In that vein, here are 21 hilarious thoughts from the 21st century's best minds, orating in the Greek agora of our time: Twitter.

george driving saying, yada yada yada
TBS / Giphy / Via media.giphy.com

1. In today's economy, honesty is the most valuable currency.

Twitter: @jpbrammer

2. This might be worse than men on dating apps who list their job as "entrepreneur."

Twitter: @bocxtop

3. Seriously, someone needs to fix the job market before it's too late!

Twitter: @ItsDanSheehan

4. It's hard to resist peer pressure at any age.

Twitter: @KimmyMonte

5. Speaking of drugs, technology is the most addictive drug of the 21st century.

Twitter: @rishipuff

Really makes you think.

6. But will we change our behavior? Absolutely not.

Twitter: @danielleweisber

7. Thankfully, sometimes social media can be kind of funny.

Twitter: @jamesearl23

Cancel culture run amok!!!

8. In 1492, Columbus may have sailed the ocean blue — but in 2023, we don't reward mediocrity*.

Twitter: @LousyLibrarian

*or colonialism, but that didn't fit the rhyme as well

9. Speaking of holidays we may or may not celebrate...

Twitter: @unknownxruiz_

10. In such divided times, it's always smart to consider things from another perspective.

Twitter: @sewistwrites

11. Politicians who play games* should be wary of the UNO reverse card**.

Twitter: @1followernodad

*veto too many bills

**losing their next election

12. An educated electorate is an empowered electorate!

Twitter: @IwriteOK

13. In 2023, female politicians can be criminals, too!

Twitter: @jules_su

14. Has feminism gone too far?

Twitter: @niccoyat

15. Men are from Mars, and they speak an entirely different language.

Twitter: @sweatyhairy

16. Seriously, white men are not from this planet.

Twitter: @illegalc1v

17. Also from another planet? Reality TV stars.

Twitter: @ihatejoelkim

18. But reality TV is a great distraction from the real world, where we sometimes have to face sad truths...

Twitter: @john_from_hr

19. ...and we're forced to ask the tough questions.

Twitter: @nauseahassan

20. But despite all its failures, modern society is a safe haven for annoying people — of which there are many.

Twitter: @sadderlizards

Now go forth and be annoying, as is your right!!!

And be sure to follow these hilarious philosophers on Twitter! They're the best minds society has.