21 People Who Tried So Hard To Sound Tough But Should Actually Be Embarrassed

1. This person who thinks drinking black coffee makes them cool.

2.This person freaking out because someone wished his girlfriend a happy birthday on Facebook.

  easycoasterr / Via old.reddit.com
easycoasterr / Via old.reddit.com

4. This goof bragging about beating up a door.

5. This dweeb bragging about shooting up a laptop.

6. This dude who goes to Costco with a gun for...attention?

7. This weirdo.

8. This lifted truck owner talking about plans to intimidate a child with a gun.

9.This person — who seems insecure — posting on his girlfriend's Snapchat to let everyone know not to contact her OR ELSE.

A boy threatening violence to anyone who contacts or messages his girlfriend
One-Entertainment806 / Via old.reddit.com

10. This total "alpha" in the comments.

11. This generous person who makes the sacrifice of playing video games to avoid punching the rest of us.

12. This sword owner you don't want any problems with.

13. This person who totally scared a customer with their "wolf eyes."

14. This paranoid, braggy boomer.

15. This person who says that if they confirmed God exists, they'd beat God up.

16. This person bragging about their jewelry and their gun.

17. This clown covered in guns to order a Subway sandwich.