21 Screenshots Of People Getting Rejected That Are Giving Me A Serious Case Of Secondhand Embarrassment

1.This person who should've just opened with "How are you?":

nothing more attractive than self-defeat and no confidence
u/ladiesman21700000000 / Via reddit.com

2.This person who couldn't flirt to save their life:

did you get arrested once? should be for being too pretty
u/Dyrax_for_hire2003 / Via reddit.com

3.This person who thought money could buy obedience:

person asking why they were sent a screenshot of their bank account and the person answers, 'cause you need to tsee how much i got so you can act appropriately
u/AsianVixen4U / Via reddit.com

4.This person who poured their heart out via email:

i'm just going to tell you i have feelings of attraction towards you over email. probably as soon as i hit send on this i'll regret it
u/bobbingtonbobsson / Via reddit.com

5.This rideshare driver who crossed the line with a passenger:

uber asks if the person has a boyfriend after being asked not to continue texting a customer
dcsabika14 / Via reddit.com

6.This person who got their hopes up after getting this message from a crush:

we should make out
u/Hip_Spoon67 / Via reddit.com

7.This person who invited a Tinder match to an awful first date:

hey wanna go to an eminem concert with me this saturday, it's on fortnite
noneroy / Via reddit.com

8.This person whose corny pickup line worked...kinda:

The line "Do you drive a Nissan 'cause I want you Altima self" gets "That was a good one; I was actually wondering if you know any dealers"
u/papixsupreme12 / Via reddit.com

9.This person who has weirdly specific tastes in women:

Comment: "I would date u if u were more lowkey on social media; my type of girl is more a lowkey girl kinda insecure so she feels dependent on me, hot but doesn't really know it" response: "That's so lame LMAOO"
u/NapoleonDezern / Via reddit.com

10.This person who was way too mad about "carrying the conversation":

Comment: "If you expect guys to do all the fuckin work in a conversation, then i can conclude you're a waste of human resources"; response: "I just don't want u bro"
u/Efficient_Ad7890 / Via reddit.com

11.This person who should crop their friend out of their dating profile pictures:

"I'm researching important dates in history; do you want to be mine?" response: "Who's that cute blonde guy in your pics? He's very cute; is he single?" "So you swiped on me just for my friend" "Pretty much, sorry"
u/UrgentlyOrnery / Via reddit.com

12.This person who got shut down but had the audacity to ask for the other person's friend's number:

"Hey, so I've been thinking and I'm really not feeling this; I think you're great but I think we should stay friends"; response: "I don't really do friends, but you can help me out, though: That tall blonde girl who is your roommate, is she single?"
u/Jastryx / Via reddit.com

13.This person who was suffering badly from unrequited love:

On Christmas, person who gets annoyed when they see this person's lovey-dovey posts with their bf asks if they can block them for their mental health, and are told "Merry Xmas, it's up to you"
u/NicholasCWL / Via reddit.com

14.This person who thought they got ghosted:

Person asks if they were ghosted, and person says no, they didn't ghost them, but the person's "conversation skills were subpar," so they "just stopped entertaining mediocrity"
u/EliteGreyIT / Via reddit.com

15.This person who matched with someone they'd met before:

"I'm almost certain we were at a party in Feb where I hid in a cupboard for half of it and was asked to leave," and person says "It was my party and I asked you to leave"

16. This person who sent a message to the wrong person and received much-needed advice:

17.This person who messaged someone he'd already been rejected by before:

18.This person who lost a date after going too far:

Person asks if the other person is on birth control, and when the response is that they're canceling the date, the person says they're kidding, but the other person says they're uncomfortable with these jokes and they're still canceling

19.This person who asked a suggestive question and did not get the answer they hoped for:

"When you eat watermelon, do you spit or swallow the seeds?" "I avoid the predicament altogether by purchasing seedless watermelon"

20.This person who took a shot and missed:

Person says the other person is due for an appt — "just a Netflix and chill appt; it's good to have a checkup every now and then"

21.And lastly, this person whose pickup line flopped hard:

"Yo dude, you kinda look like my first husband, idk I've never been married, though" "That's actually a first, for someone to tell me I look like someone else," "I worked so hard and you didn't even get my joke"
u/Isabemk / Via reddit.com