21 Chaotic, Dangerous Workplaces That Scream "Zero Days Since Last Incident"

1.This questionable placement:

A propane tank and fire extinguisher are sitting right next to each other on the same shelf, labeled "more fire" and "less fire," respectively

2.This absolutely useless eye wash:

A sign says "do not use the emergency eye wash, the water temperature could be too high and possible cause a burn"

3.This emergency exit:

An emergency exit door opens to reveal a brick wall with no passage through it

4.This death trap that perhaps needs a bigger warning sign:

A label on an external outlet with a cord plugged into it says "instant death if touched"; the label is small and on the bottom side of the outlet, so can be blocked by the cord

5.This dangerous, dangerous game:

A ladder wasn't large enough to reach the top of a building, so one man is holding the bottom of the ladder off the ground while a second man climbs up it

6.This ill-placed sign:

A label says "pencil sharpener" right above an electrical wall outlet

7.This air duster can that looks nearly identical to a can of heavy-duty solvent:

The cans are legitimately almost identical at first sight, with the same brand, same size and shape, and same color scheme

8.This dead-end:

A case labeled defibrillator has a sign over it saying "do not use"

9.These signs that seem to be at odds:

A sign on the top of the door says "exit," but a sign on the bottom of the same door says "Danger: Formaldehyde, irritant and possible cancer hazard"

10.This incredibly dangerous bottle that probably needs a new cap:

A bottle of chloroform on which someone has replaced the cap with one from a Dr. Pepper soft drink

11.This helpful sign:

A sign above a public phone says "emergency phone out of service, please do not have an emergency at this location"

12.This fan that definitely should've been thrown out by now:

A giant oscillating fan has a sign on it that says "do not turn on, I like to catch on fire"

13.This setup that is sure to go very wrong, very quickly:

A worker has used a ladder to reach phone cables high above the street; the ladder is only leaned against the flimsy cords, not a wall, so could easily collapse

14.This leaky socket:

An electrical wall outlet has water spraying out of it

15.This incredibly important light switch:

A sign above a normal-looking light switch says "please do not turn off the light switch, it also operates the elevator"

16.This Post-it that hopefully points out the obvious:

A Post-it Note says "do not use"; it's attached to the wall above an outlet that is falling out of the wall and is covered with burn marks

17.This superrrr secure load:

A 18-wheeler is transporting sand and gravel, but the only things holding them in place are cords pulled over the top, with nothing holding them in on the sides

18.This door handle that just REALLY needs to be replaced:

A sign on a door tells people not to panic if the handle comes off in their hand and gives instructions about how to put it back on

19.This outlet that's really close to a lot of wet fingers:

An electrical outlet is directly below a paper towel dispenser in a public bathroom

20.This crumbling structure:

A metal beam meant to hold something up is crumbling at the bottom, looking like it could tip over at any moment

21.And this elaborate warning:

A message on an elevator door reads "jumping in elevator will cause entrapment for extended time. You will be responsible for all costs associated with your rescue"