"2023 Was The Best Winter Of My Life" Pro Skier Remembers The Season We'll Never Forget

Professional skier Bernie Rosow, like a fair few of you reading this, had a banner season last winter.

The icing on the cake for Rosow was the following run on "Wall of the Future" in a Sierra Nevada zone.

It's easy to see why this run ticked all of Rosow's boxes: fast, smooth, soft snow—it doesn't get much better. And can you think of a better tour guide to show off "Wall of the Future?" Rosow's fluid style remains undefeated. Few do helmet cam footage like the Mammoth Mountain, California, local.

Rosow noted that conditions last year were the "best" since he's lived in the Sierra Nevada. Given the number of Californian ski resorts that smashed total snowfall records this past winter, it's an unquestionably fair assessment.

While Rosow noted that this season—as we all know by now—has paled in comparison, he expressed hope that the arrival of 2024 might bring snowier conditions.

Like Rosow, our fingers are firmly crossed, hopes bolstered by the news that a series of storm cycles are expected to drop snow across North America in the coming days.

Related: Vermont's Snowiest Resort Eyeing Trail Openings As Winter Makes A Comeback

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