Solar-powered GENNY pulls clean water from the air

Watergen's latest model comes with solar panels.

Watergen (Engadget)

Watergen's GENNY runs on a simple mechanism. It draws moist air in through a filter at the back of the device like a dehumidifier then cleans and dispenses it out the front like a standard water cooler. (As a bonus, it'll purify the air around it too). It can dispense 13 liters of water per day with 9 KWH of energy and works in 15-40 degrees celsius with a relative humidity of more than 25 per cent.

The latest model, Solar GENNY, runs on the same technology but runs fully on natural energy, which is a major step forward. It can assist with living off the grid but could have real value delivering precious drinking water to less-developed areas or crisis zones.

Packaged with the four 23-foot solar panels to run it -- provided by a third party solar company -- and including installation costs, it should cost $5-8,000. While it's neither compact nor cheap at this moment, the prospect of a no-waste solution to the world's water scarcity warrants attention. It essentially turns air and sun into clean water.