Can too much Halloween candy kill you?

Don't be fooled by the nice wrapping. Candy can kill you -- but it'll take a lot.

With Americans spending $2.7 billion on Halloween candy this year, the American Chemical Society figured out that if a person consumes 13.5 grams per pound of his or her body weight all at once, half of their test group would die of a sugar overdose.

SEE ALSO: What your taste in candy says about you

The test was run on rat labs, and the chances of death by consuming that much candy would be 50/50.

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So what does that mean? Taking into consideration that the average person weighs 180 lbs., it means you'd have to eat almost five and a half pounds of the stuff, or an astonishing 262 fun-sized candy bars or 1,627 pieces of candy corn in one sitting.

According to USA Today, your body, and your liver in particular, would be unable to break down the glucose in that amount of sugar and would likely go into shock.

Instead of doing that, consider donating your leftover Halloween candy to campaigns like Operation Gratitude and Soldiers' Angels, which receive mountains of candy each year to distribute to charities.

This movement started more than 10 years ago with dentists and orthodontists wanting to offload candy from children to prevent obesity and cavities, sometimes in exchange for toys and prizes.