Viral remix of 'Kazoo Kid' is even more bizarre and amazing than the original video


An incredibly awkward and weird, yet mesmerizing 1989 video took the Internet by storm in January featuring a young boy playing the kazoo and playing with his friends in the woods. The extraordinarily odd "Kazoo Kid" video sparked a slew of parodies, memes, reenactments and all sorts of entertainment.

See images and reactions on Twitter:

But in February, YouTube sensation Mike Diva took it all to the next level with trap drops, trippy visuals and catchy beats. His Kazoo Kid - Trap Remix video was posted in early February and his been viewed more than 3 million times.

Let's just say, if you like to "siiiiing, daaaaance and preteeeeend," you're going to find this remix, "fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, funnnnnn!!!!"

And if you're curious about what that creepy yet adorable little blonde boy with the mushroom haircut looks like today, here you go. And yes, he's on Twitter.

Related video: Can you name that tune?

International Kazoo Day: Guess the Song
International Kazoo Day: Guess the Song

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