20 Wedding Trends People Pretty Much Can't Stand, Not Even A Little

Recently, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the wedding trends that need to be retired immediately. Here are the ones they loathe most:

Anne Hathaway screaming in Bride Wars

1."I would say most of them, but the worst wedding tradition is spending insane amounts on money and going into debt for the wedding."

Wedding ceremony chairs with floral arrangements hanging on the side
Aleksandr Zubkov / Getty Images

2."A party for every little thing. I love my friends, but I'm seriously tired of engagement party, couples shower, bridal shower, bachelorette trip, lingerie shower, rehearsal dinner, AND the wedding. Really takes up my free time when I have multiple friends get married in a year. Then, 9 times out of 10, you're doing it all over again next year for the babies they've all created."


3."The bouquet toss is always super awkward. It needs to go."

A bride tossing a bouquet to a group of women in The Office

4."Cake toppers with the groom having a ball and chain around his ankle, or the bride dragging the groom, etc. Why are you getting married if you feel that way about your spouse?"


5."The dollar dance. It's so tacky, and I cringe every time. Guests have already spent money to get to your wedding, and get you a gift, so don't be rude and ask for more money with a cringeworthy dance."

Money pinned on a bride's veil


Motionshooter / Getty Images / iStockphoto

6."Clinking glasses at the reception to get the couple to kiss. It's SOOOO obnoxious! You always have that one table that goes overboard with it and disrupts the meal every other minute, just to watch the couple kiss again. It's just creepy after the first couple of times. Let the couple stop performing for a while so they can eat and greet their guests!"


7."Guests being angry when their kids aren't invited. Don't try and ask if they can come. Child-free weddings are a thing, and people need to respect that."

Kristen Bell shrugging

8."I really find issue with the dad of the bride walking her down the aisle and 'giving' her away to her husband. Some of us just didn't have that close of a relationship with our fathers, and more importantly, women are not property to be traded amongst men! I love my dad, but that is a tradition I would happily skip."


9."Smashing the cake in each other's faces. I will be paying a lot of money for the dress, makeup, hair, and the cake, so don't smash it in my face. It's old, and frankly rude when couples shove it up their S.O.'s nose. Am I the only one who feels this way?!"

A groom feeding his bride a piece of cake


Ryan Mcginnis / Getty Images

10."Speeches at the reception. They tend to be either very boring, very awkward, or both. Have your closest loved ones write their sentimental words to you in a card so your poor guests can just eat their dinner while it's warm."


11."The infamous garter toss."

Someone holding a wedding garter
Wirestock / Getty Images

12."The massive cakes. My daughter and her husband opted for a small cake of their favorite flavor, just for themselves to cut and enjoy. The 20 guests were given a choice of two decadent desserts. Everyone was happy including myself who, as a single mom, was paying for the event!"


13."I think having a maid of honor or best man needs to go. It can cause so many tensions, and I think that every member of the wedding party should contribute to the special day, rather than just one person stressing out!"

Bride and her bridesmaids holding bouquets


Dmytro Botvinovskyy / Getty Images / iStockphoto

14."Telling guests what colors they can and can't wear!"


15."The mason jars. Why? Why the mason jars? They're for jam or moonshine. I know this is unpopular, but I find them so cheap looking. The whole 'spending a ton of money to look like you didn't spend a lot' baffles me."

Mason jars with florals at a wedding
Freddy Napoleoni / Getty Images

16."Flowers and tall table arrangements. Spend that money on amazing booze and food. Tall arrangements don't let people talk and mingle, so there is no vibe!"


17."As a bride-to-be and former wedding planner, chair covers and sashes need to go! They look so awful and tacky."

Wedding chair cover with a bow ribbon around it


Amoklv / Getty Images / iStockphoto

18."All the bridesmaids wearing the same dress. Not everyone is going to look good in that strapless purple dress you decided on! And if I am paying $200 for a dress I may wear once, I deserve to have a say in how it looks on me."


19."Sparkler send-offs are overrated. Consider glow sticks or nothing at all. Photographers and venues aren't fans of sparkler send-offs anyway."

Sparkler that's lit


Andreua / Getty Images / iStockphoto

20."Having a wedding at all. Save your money and buy a house."


What other wedding trends belong on this list? Drop your suggestion in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.