20 Truly Gorgeous Nail Art Ideas to Try On Graduation Day

20 Truly Gorgeous Nail Art Ideas to Try On Graduation Day

Even though you may have spent the last few months of school just barely getting by with Zoom classes, online testing, the chaos that has been 2020/2021—you've finally reached the end! CONGRATS! It's time to accept your diploma with a supremely manicured hand, bc IMO, graduation day is one of those days when you have a good reason to go all-out in the beauty department if you want to. I'm talking glam lashes, a bold lip, and of course, a killer manicure. So to help you prepare for the big day, I've rounded up the 20 cutest graduation nail looks—from French tips to animal prints—to inspire you as you head into the next chapter of your ~professional~ life.

Looking for more epic nail inspo and ideas? Right this way.

(@rosiehw, @kyliejenner)

Prepare to screenshot all of these.