20 Target Parenting Products That'll Make You Think, "Whoever Invented This Deserves An Award"

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

1.A stuffed animal storage bean bag-style chair that makes cleaning up stuffed animals quick and easy and keeping them out of sight when not in use. Reclaim that play space from the clutches of the stuffies!

Child model puts stuffed animals into a bag
Child model puts stuffed animals into a bag

2.A pair of faucet extenders to help your toddler feel a taste of independence and help save your hands from quadruple the washing. These sink extenders help your little one reach the water with ease without needing to be hoisted up like a sack of potatoes. May your back rejoice!

A faucet extender on a sink
A faucet extender on a sink

3.And a bath toy drying bin that includes drainage at the bottom to keep toys dry, clean, and out of the way. This bin is low-profile and helps keep those toys from just sitting at the bottom of the tub, waiting for the next bath. All you have to do is scoop them up and set them aside and marvel at how organized your bathroom looks. Easy peasy!

Bath toy drying bin with toys
Bath toy drying bin with toys

4.An electric nail buffer because there is nothing more nerve-shattering than trying to trim those tiny paper nails. Not only can you save the drama of actual clippers, it includes an LED precision light, has a quiet motor in case you do the job while baby is sleeping, and it stores easily. Say goodbye to sobbing uncontrollably for pinching baby's finger AND scratch marks all over your chest because you CAN have both.

A nail buffer trims a baby's nails
A nail buffer trims a baby's nails

5.A handy snack organizer for your pantry or to keep out for snacks to be available quickly. Say good-bye to whiney "but there's nothing to eeeeaaaaattttt" and hello to a little more independence. This snack organizer also has adjustable dividers to account for different sized snacks.

A snack organizer on a shelf
A snack organizer on a shelf

6.A convertible play couch that will make fort building quick, easy, and creative while saving you mess and flattened couch cushions. Plus once playing in the fort is done, it converts back into a kid-sized couch for some relaxing quiet play. Talk about easier than cleaning up an entire room of cushions and blankets.

A child model lays on a convertible couch
A child model lays on a convertible couch

7.A folding kitchen helper to help keep your own kitchen helper safe and secure for cooking adventures. It's time to enjoy baking together rather than worrying about your little one falling backwards. Instead, you can just focus your worry on how exactly you're going to clean up the egg that dropped and the flour that exploded.

Child model stands on a stool while an adult model watches
Child model stands on a stool while an adult model watches

8.A super convenient grape cutter that takes all of the work out of minimizing choking hazards. Quickly insert the grape or tomato and slice it into a safer size — especially when you have multiple young kids or are prepping for a party or play date. One less thing to worry about!

Hand cuts grapes with a grape slicer
Hand cuts grapes with a grape slicer

9.A 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop because it has the potential to change your life as you know it. This vacuum can vacuum hard floors AND carpet and mop in one go, then empty itself! Take one more thing off of your to-do list and let the robots take the annoying jobs.

A robot vacuum cleas
A robot vacuum cleas

10.And a handheld vacuum so you can quickly pick up crumbs under the table or high chair without getting on your hands and knees with the dustbin. Save yourself time, energy, and effort by quickly sucking up crumbs and enjoying the feeling of walking near the table without Cheerios sticking to your feet. Tired of the buildup of Goldfish in the car? Take this vacuum out to the car and enjoy the few hours before the crumbs take over again.

A handheld vacuum being emptied into the trash
A handheld vacuum being emptied into the trash

11.AND a portable carpet cleaner because one day your kids WILL be struck by a stomach bug and it will be MESSY. This portable cleaner quickly cleans carpets, couches, car interiors, and more. Don't wait to get this because they're not sick yet, get it now for when they 100% will be sick.

Model uses a shampooer to clean a couch
Model uses a shampooer to clean a couch

12.A Tushbaby Hip Seat Baby Carrier that will give you tons of extra support for all of that hip carrying you find yourself doing. Along with evenly distributing baby's weight, it also has storage for diapers, wipes, keys, a wallet, and a phone, AND includes a bottle holder. Give your back a break, make the job of carrying baby easier, and enjoy so many more baby snuggles.

Parent holds baby with carrier
Parent holds baby with carrier

13.An amazing detangling spray and leave-in conditioner that quickly and easily gets tangles out of all types of hair. Save tears from your kiddo — and maybe you — by spritzing it generously in the hair and letting the paraben-, phthalate-, and sulfate-free formula make you the hero of the detangling story.

Detangling spray
Detangling spray

14.And a detangling brush because no one has time for another brushing battle — so you better come prepared. This brush is great for hair that tangles easily and can be used on wet or dry hair. Everyone will be thankful for making this battle a thing of the past.

Model brushes hair with a brush
Model brushes hair with a brush

15.A gentle moisturizing cream that is safe and effective for treating baby eczema. This hypoallergenic lotion is great for babies with sensitive skin, but don't be surprised if you find yourself loving it, too. Taking away itchy baby skin? Make it as easy as possible.

Baby hand is rubbed with lotion
Baby hand is rubbed with lotion

16.A kid-sized electric toothbrush that uses an app to keep you kid engaged and brushing for a full two minutes. Electric toothbrushes already keep teeth cleaner, but the addition of the app helps kids work through brushing without getting distracted or hurrying through the process. Making teeth brushing easier? Sign me up.

Toothbrush set
Toothbrush set

17.A booger extractor to make picking those stubborn boogers quick, easy, and secretly satisfying. Parents praise the Oogiebear for how effective it is, with many of them placing them strategically throughout the house for boogie emergencies.

Adult uses the extractor on a baby
Adult uses the extractor on a baby

18.A formula mixing pitcher, aka an absolute game-changer for avoiding gas and getting formula ready, like, ~yesterday.~ I didn't have this for my first baby and when I had my second, I couldn't believe how much time I'd wasted the first go around. Now I send this to every parent I know when they start their formula journey. Nothing like making an entire batch before bed and easily pouring a bottle when you're still half asleep.

An adult fills a bottle with the mixing pitcher
An adult fills a bottle with the mixing pitcher

19.A sound machine and night-light combo that connects to your phone for optimal control and years of use. Parents sing its praises because of the many different sounds to choose from, adjustable volume and color, and the easy-to-use app. With customizable schedules, this light can double as a wake-up light as your child transitions to the big kid bed — saving you from the jarring 5 a.m. two-inches-from-your-face whisper, "Can I get up yet?" Nothing like making sleep just a bit easier for everyone.

Sound machine glows while a hand touches it
Sound machine glows while a hand touches it

20.A foldable silicone placemat to help make cleanup after mealtime messes quick and easy. Did your little one try yogurt finger painting? Just pick up the mat, wash it, and give yourself a little pat on the back for being so prepared.

A placemat with pretzels
A placemat with pretzels