20 People Who Are So Entitled, They've Already Made 2022 Hell For Others

1. This person who was a ketchup snob, which I didn't even know existed:

2. This person who actually asked to borrow a child's social security number for their taxes:

3. This person who felt entitled to free wedding photos from a professional photographer after canceling on them:

4.This person who made the worst first impression before even starting college:

A person introduces themselves with their SAT score and IQ, says their high school classmates bored them, and wants a partner with at least an IQ of 130

5. This person who wanted to hire a TEENAGER to pay THEM:

6. This person who tried to bully someone into doing them a favor:

7. This person who literally tried to rent out their BATHROOM to someone:

8.This person who wanted to pay a performer at their wedding with promo instead of money:

The performer says they'll send their rates, and the requester says they're not paying anyone but their promo posts on social media are worth more anyway
The performer says they'd rather have money, the requester says there will be other influencers there, and the performer says that just means more people who will expect free work

9. This person who expected someone to deliver them a free TV:

10. This person who was too cheap to adequately pay their babysitter:

11. This person who tried to bargain the price for buying someone's art:

12. These people who came up with the ridiculous requirements for a job that paid peanuts:

13. This person who thought their amount of social media followers could be used as currency:

14. This person who wanted to pay a dog-sitter an absurdly low amount:

15. This person who tried to hire a full-time assistant without giving them a salary:

16.This person who solicited manual labor but wasn't willing to compensate properly for it:

Person asks for someone to dig a 4-foot deep, 3-foot wide hole and two 41-foot long, 2-foot deep trenches, and only offers $200 for the whole job

17.This person who felt they were important enough to skip the line at a restaurant:

A person says they're a haute couture fashion designer and DMs a restaurant saying they'd like to come but won't wait in line; the business responds "we are not the restaurant for you"
The customer says most of the restaurant's followers are probably kids with nothing better to do, but they don't have time for lines; the restaurant responds "unfollow us"

18.This person who became rude when someone didn't take their crappy business offer:

A person requests a partnership, gets politely declined, then says they deal with much bigger clients who want their arrangement so the person who declined must not understand
The decliner explains they understand what's being offered, they just don't see the value; the requester responds "you're clearly not cut out to make it as a creator, enjoy the limited time you have left"

19. This person who seriously wanted people to pay them to take care of their pets and plants:

20.And lastly, this person who was mad they weren't allowed to return USED underwear:

A long post on a business's page that says they bought underwear, tried on a pair, realized they were too small and wanted to return them but were rejected

H/T r/ChoosingBeggars