20 Products From Target For Parents Who Could Use A Nap...So Basically Everyone

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

1.A large, portable play yard that includes a safety barrier for when you head over to someone else's house and you want to have five seconds of a conversation without running to grab your rolling baby. This mat is also great for when you're short on space, but need a safe place to put your baby while you reheat your coffee again.

Baby sits in a play yard
Baby sits in a play yard

2.A positively ingenious set of wrist rattles that will save you from picking up that rattle yet again for your baby who hasn't *grasped* grasping yet. Just Velcro the rattles around the wrist or the ankles like a bracelet and let your baby discover the magic of their rattling hands and feet while you take that well-earned deep breath.

Baby with rattles on its wrists
Baby with rattles on its wrists

3.A crib rail cover because honestly who knew that babies turn into literal beavers when they start teething? When my oldest started teething, I noticed gnaw marks all over the crib and was immediately horrified at the chips in the wood. I bought some rail covers and they saved my nerves, my crib, and I'd like to hope my kiddo's teeth. You have literally no time to deal with sawdust.

Crib rail covers on a crib
Crib rail covers on a crib

4.A compact, portable travel potty seat that can make an adult seat the perfect size for little potty trainers. Save your back from holding them up onto the seat in public restrooms so they don't fall in because the bare minimum here means no peeing toddler clinging to you and bringing your face inches from a public toilet.

Travel potty seat on a toilet
Travel potty seat on a toilet

5.A lightweight and sturdy step stool that is 1,000x better than lifting your kid up to help them wash their hands. Unlike wooden ones, this step won't hurt them if they trip onto it and it's light enough so that they can move it around when they get older — saving you time and energy.

A step stool in a bathroom
A step stool in a bathroom

6.And a pair of faucet extenders to help your toddler feel a taste of independence and help save your hands from quadruple the washing. These sink extenders help your little one reach the water with ease without needing to be hoisted up like a sack of potatoes.

A faucet extender on a sink
A faucet extender on a sink

7.A bath toy drying bin that includes drainage at the bottom to keep toys dry, clean, and out of the way. This bin is low-profile and helps keep those toys from just sitting at the bottom of the tub, waiting for the next bath. All you have to do is scoop them up and set them aside and marvel at how organized your bathroom looks with almost no effort.

Bath toy drying bin with toys
Bath toy drying bin with toys

8.A shampoo rinser for any parent who absolutely does not want to hear a tantrum because of water or shampoo in the eyes. This rinser contours to your child's head to help avoid water in their eyes. It's made out of a soft material, cleans easily, and has a handle that makes it easy to pour and hold even the smallest of babies. It's also great for toddlers and big kids!

Rinser pouring water on child's hair
Rinser pouring water on child's hair

9.A tried and true detangling brush for any parent who is so over the crying and screaming of hair brushing twice a day. On top of making hair significantly easier to brush, it also prevents damage — even for those with curly hair!

A pink detangling brush
A pink detangling brush

10.An electric nail buffer because there is nothing more nerve-shattering than trying to trim those tiny paper nails. Not only can you save the drama of actual clippers, it includes an LED precision light, has a quiet motor in case you do the job while baby is sleeping, and it stores easily. Say goodbye to sobbing uncontrollably for pinching baby's finger AND scratch marks all over your chest because you CAN have both.

Child gets nails trimmed
Child gets nails trimmed

11.A car seat buckle release tool that will protect your nails *and* your patience from how surprisingly difficult unbuckling is. Plus — when they're older — they can learn to unbuckle themselves, ensuring that you are not burying your face in the drop-off line as you get out of the car to unbuckle your kid. The car seat buckle desperately needs to be one less thing you fight with.

An adult uses an unbuckling tool on a car seat
An adult uses an unbuckling tool on a car seat

12.A wearable blanket that'll help keep your baby warm and safe in the crib. Since blankets aren't a safe sleep option for baby and they'll definitely wake up if too cold, this sleep sack gives them warmth, comfort, AND helps prevent your baby from climbing out of the crib when they're older — a big bonus because that big-kid bed transition is a doozy.

Baby model wears a wearable blanket
Baby model wears a wearable blanket

13.A cool mist humidifier that'll be so helpful if your kiddo comes down with a cold. Cool mist humidifiers help keep nasal passages open, allowing colds to pass more quickly and easily — and allowing more sleep opportunities for you and fewer trips into their room throughout the night.

A humidifier on a nightstand
A humidifier on a nightstand

14.And a pack of saline wipes — a must-have for any illness arsenal. These wipes help loosen snot and won't dry out your little one's nose like regular tissues. These things WORK, and I still use them on my kids. Give it up for saline wipes — making colds that much easier for everyone. 👏👏👏

Child model gets nose wiped
Child model gets nose wiped

15.A super convenient grape cutter that takes all of the work out of minimizing choking hazards. Quickly insert the grape or tomato and slice it into a safer size — especially when you have a number of young kids or are prepping for a party or play date. One less thing to worry about!

a hand using the grape cutter
a hand using the grape cutter

16.A 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop that has the potential to change your life as you know it. This can vacuum hard floors, carpet AND mop in one go, then empty itself! Take one more thing off your to-do list and let the robots handle this one.

A robot vacuum cleas
A robot vacuum cleas

17.And a handheld vacuum so you can quickly pick up crumbs under the table or high chair without getting on your hands and knees with the dustbin. Save yourself time, energy, and effort by quickly sucking up crumbs and enjoying the feeling of walking near the table without Cheerios sticking to your feet. Tired of the buildup of Goldfish in the car? Use this vacuum and enjoy the few hours before the crumbs take over again.

A handheld vacuum being emptied into the trash
A handheld vacuum being emptied into the trash

18.A formula-mixing pitcher, aka an absolute game-changer for avoiding gas and getting formula ready, like, ~yesterday.~ Not having premade formula while you have a hangry baby should be low on your list of effort you want to use. And there's nothing like making an entire batch before bed and easily pouring a bottle when you're still half asleep.

An adult fills a bottle with the mixing pitcher
An adult fills a bottle with the mixing pitcher

19.A set of snack catchers that keeps those snacks in the cups and keeps your toddler from turning crackers into confetti — saving you from stepping on a cracker, carrying crumbs through the entire house, and getting the vacuum out only to find more snacks everywhere. Less cleaning, more snacking.

Child reaches for snack in container
Child reaches for snack in container

20.A pack of pacifier wipes that will wipe anything from pacifiers, to teething toys, to bottles or anything else your child drops. Forget sticking it in your mouth or just finding yourself without a space pacifier — with these you can quickly disinfect and give it back to baby. Look how easy that was, you old pro.

Pacifier being wiped with a cloth
Pacifier being wiped with a cloth

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.