20 Parenting Products So Effective Reviewers Called Them A “Miracle”

1.Bob Books, Set 1: Beginning Readers created by a preschool teacher for kiddos taking their very first steps into reading. The stories start with simple three-letter words and gradually build in difficulty so readers can take that leap from sounding out words to be able to confidently say, “I read the whole book!”

The set of books in a blue box

2.And a detangling brush that'll glide through knots to turn your kiddo's daily hair-brushing ordeal into a painless experience minus the *ouchies or tears* (for both of you). Just trust the 39,000+ people who gave it a 5-star review.

The ergonomic shaped brush in turquoise

3.A set of starter spoons ingeniously designed to encourage your babe to self feed. These have crevices that purees and mashed foods stick to easily, letting little ones dip and explore exciting new flavors all on their own.

amazon.com, Amazon, amazon.com

The set includes a stage one spoon and stage two spoon. The first stage spoon doubles as a teether, and is designed to introduce babies to holding utensils and exploring purees, as they soothe their sore gums. The second stage spoon is capable of holding more food and can even be loaded with solids for the child to grab and eat.

Note: The spoons don't have a stopper, so please supervise your babies to make sure they don't stick the spoon too far back in their mouth. Recommended for ages 6 months+.

Promising review: "I'm sorry, but these are the most brilliant things, ever. They totally work as described. They were a miracle for my developmentally delayed son!" —Beth

Get a set from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in three colors and packs of two, four, or six spoons).

4.The Ollie Swaddle to make bedtime less of a struggle. It wraps snugly to prevent your lil escape artist from breaking out and boasts an opening at the bottom to make diaper changes a breeze. The best part? Moisture wicking fabric to prevent overheating.

A model holding a baby in the sky blue swaddle

5.A mushroom pacifier and teether designed to mimic a boob that reviewers swear has inexplicable ~magical~ powers and will soothe your little one, who has refused every other paci out there.

reviewer's photo of the blue mushroom-shaped pacifier

6.A bug bite suction tool invented by a mom that's worth the Shark Tank hype. This ingenious device sucks out all kinds of bug bites, instantly relieving itching and swelling, so your kids aren't left scratching.

A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it, the editor holding the suction tool and an after photo of the swelling reduced on the editor's arm.

7.A game-changing medicine dispenser and syringe combo which doubles as an actual pacifier for any child who hates — repeat, HATES — taking meds, and ends up spitting it all out.

A syringe with a pacifier medicine dispenser

8.The Pink Stuff, a magical all-purpose cleaning paste so you don't need to go into full panic mode when lipstick (or Sharpie) marks mysteriously appear on your walls. (Good luck keeping the little Picassos out of your makeup bag though!)

Reviewer removing lipstick from the walls using the pink paste

9.A box of Avarelle hydrocolloid patches with a blend of tea tree oil and calendula oils that'll suck out all the gunk and shrink zits overnight. It'll become your secret weapon to help your teen (or you) combat breakouts.

Reviewer before and after using patches

10.CeraVe moisturizing cream parents call their "holy grail" because it works wonders to keep their kid's eczema flare-ups at bay and soothe dry, chapped winter skin. It's formulated to provide intense moisturizing protection for babies with a gentle fragrance- and paraben-free formula.

the moisturizing cream

11.A cult-favorite stain remover especially great for stubborn stains like grass, oil, or blood. You can count on on this concentrated spot treatment to make messes from your kids' clothes disappear.

Reviewer's photo showing a stained swimsuit

12.A viral TikTok toothbrush holder and dispenser you'll regret not having bought sooner because it'll not only free up precious counter space but also keep your bathroom free of child-induced toothpaste messes.

the white wall mounted toothbrush holder

13.An inexpensive portable white noise machine that'll drown out noises and lull your baby to sleep in unfamiliar places with calming, spa-like sounds. Adults swear by it too!

The portable white noise machine

14.A Haakaa manual silicone breast pump to catch every precious drop of ~liquid gold~ that would otherwise go to waste from one boob while nursing/pumping with the other. You may find yourself thinking, "This is the best $12 I've ever spent!"

The clear silicone breast pump and packaging

15.A waterproof potty training watch that exists for the sole purpose of reminding toddlers or preschoolers to use the toilet on the reg. Before you know it, they'll be excitedly yelling “potty time" when the alarm goes off. *What a time to be alive!*

The blue watch with a dinosaur print wrist band and green timer

16.And an anti-slip potty training seat boasting a ladder that'll make the "big potty" feel a lot less intimidating.

The white and teal potty seat with ladder resting on a toilet

17.A cradle cap comb that'll remove dry skin from your bubba's scalp ~oh so gently~ using soft rubber bristles and a fine-toothed comb.

A baby's head with dry scales on the left and the same baby's head looking smoother and flake-free on the right

18.A weighted blanket to encapsulate your restless sleeper in a deep, calming hug to help them fall asleep...and *stay* asleep.

Child sleeping with the blue weighted blanket in dinosaur print

19.And a 3-in-1 night-light, sound machine and time-to-rise device you can control from your phone that basically sleep trains your night owls by letting you create custom light and sound programs in sync with bedtime, nap time and wake up routines — so they know when it's time to hit the sack and when it's OK to come running to your room.

The night light and smart phone

20.An expensive-looking Ruggable area rug designed with a machine-washable cover that you can simply toss in the wash and make it look as if tiny messy humans don't live in your home.

rainbow area rug

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.

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