This 20 year old walks us through her transition journey — from hormone therapy to voice training and more.

In this episode, we follow a 20-year-old woman who is transitioning. With the benefit of some time abroad to get comfortable with the process, she's found the journey both challenging and rewarding - therapy, hormones, voice training and more. Along the way, she's learned to explore her fears and frustrations, and to transition at her own pace.

Video Transcript

- I began to discover more of myself much slower than most trans people I think really discover themselves. Dysphoria definitely heightened-- that was obviously a thing. But I sort of made peace more with my own identity.

The most important episode, I'd say, of that whole experience was when I went to Europe. The first place I went, actually, was Germany. So I bought a whole outfit online-- everything-- learned a bit of makeup, and went out. And it was, like, 5:00 in the morning when I got to this super-exclusive club called Berghain.

Elon Musk actually got denied from it. But I decided I'm going to-- I was going to try it anyway. The most famous lead bouncer, Sven-- he was there. I was a little intimidated, but I didn't let that show in my face. And he let me in. And it was crazy.

Oh, and the most important part of this experience was that I decided to present as a woman. And I kind of passed for one. I spent the next 15 hours just being myself and in this really incredible environment where I could truly express who I was without any fear of judgment. It didn't exactly translate into me presenting full time, but I felt really good about myself in that moment.