The 20 Funniest, Sweetest, and Most Inspiring Instagram Accounts to Follow

Finding the best Instagram accounts to follow is no easy feat. It took me awhile to really get the hang of it, but I knew there had to be more to the world of Insta than the random accounts I blindly followed back.

So, I devoted weeks to uncovering all the best Instagram accounts out there. I am happy to report there is so much meaningful, inspiring, and talented content — and my feed now reads like a novel that you just can’t put down.

If you are looking to add some more depth and meaning to your own Instagram experience, look no further. I have done the research and I present to you, the best Instagram accounts:

If You Need a Good Laugh…

Overheard New York: Who doesn’t want a little slice of the Big Apple from the comfort of their own couch? Scroll through a large collection of conversations (and monologues) overheard on the streets of New York City that will leave you lol-ling and imagining the scenarios that accompany these faceless conversations.

Kookslams: Get a breathtaking view of the world’s best beaches while watching the most epic surfing wipeouts ever. If you are the kind of person who laughs (and maybe cringes just a little) when someone awkwardly falls, then this is the account for you.

Sarcastic Mommy: Lisa Munn is a comic genius and if you’re a mom who is sick of making dinner that doesn’t get eaten or hiding the Elf on the Shelf, then you’re sure to quickly become a forever-fan.

Fashion Dads: This account will have you falling in love with the most-creatively dressed dads from all over the world. Somehow these dads pull off the strangest fashion trends — fanny packs, ugly Christmas sweaters, and delightful combinations of business casual — that will have you laughing with a warm heart for hours! The captions are by far the best part of this account, so take the time to read, like, and comment. Hey, you can even encourage your favorite dad to submit a photo.

If You Love Good Art…

Latte Art Addict: Go ahead and get lost in the world of Latte Art; it is absolutely mesmerizing and soothing. The details in the steamed milk will leave you feeling warm and comforted and, of course, craving your favorite macchiato!

Sarah Giugliano: The nail artist lists Beyoncé as a former client and shares tons of inspirational ideas you can bring to your local salon or try yourself. She is sure to help you kick that mani up a notch with the newest color and design trends. Who knew manicure could be such an art form?

Museum Babes: What do you get when you combine beautiful, stylish women with the world’s best museums? Museum babes! This account is surprisingly satisfying and worth a visit if you want to see some of the most famous artwork — and the fashionable women who appreciate it.

Cassidy Packard: It is hard to believe that the artist behind this account is only 18 years old — her drawings are sophisticated and life-like! If you give her a follow, you will see an array of colored-pencil celebrity portraits, Disney characters, and some of the most soul-staring eyes ever drawn.

If You Want to be Inspired…

Invisible People: Mark Horvath founded this nonprofit charity to change the narrative around homelessness since he himself was once homeless. His goal is to connect a face and story to people who live on the streets. His beautiful photographs and heartwarming stories create an intense intimacy between the invisible people of his stories and the reader.

Dear Khloe: Claire Detrick-Jules was inspired to help her young sister, Khloe, love her hair. So, she spent two years interviewing and photographing Black women about their natural hair journeys. Her account shares beautiful, empowering photographs of women embracing their natural hair and quotes from her interviews with them.

Humans of NY: This account will tug at your heartstrings and make you ugly cry. View beautiful photos of the people who populate NY and read their stories. They only tell a small portion of their journeys, highlighting love and pain and wisdom and heartache, told in a way that makes you feel like you are sipping coffee in a quaint shop with these strangers.

Amanda Oleander: This artist tells stories with her comic-like illustrations based on events from her everyday life. She bravely shows her vulnerability while welcoming you into every detail of her life as a pregnant wife, daughter, and sister. You will quickly feel like you have known her your entire life.

If You’re Looking for Love…

Jess McCann: This life and love coach shares a wide array of content that will help you become a better you while navigating the complex world of dating. She has even hosted Instagram lives where she counsels clients through their dating/relationship woes. Her content is really about self-awareness and exploration. It is perfect for the woman who is devoted to being better today than yesterday.

Overheard Bumble: If you have ever dabbled in the online dating scene, you will get a kick out of these screenshots of real-life Bumble exchanges between prospects. I am just left wondering where all these funny people were when I was on Bumble?

Not Engaged: Mary McCarthy celebrates her singlehood in this account by sharing pictures of her ringless, unwed left hand amidst her life’s adventures. While the premise of the account is quite humorous, the finished product is charming and empowering. Each picture tells a story of Mary’s single life that just may leave even the happiest wives longing for their single years.

The Way We Met: If you are still hoping to meet the one but can’t quite figure out how it could possible happen, this account will prove that you never know when love is going to find you. It can happen anywhere, anytime, when you least expect it. Scrolling through the photos and stories of how happy couples of all ages met the one, you are sure to catch yourself giggling and aww-ing out loud. It is the account of happy endings!

If You’re an Animal Lover…

Cash Cats: The idea of adorable cats unknowingly surrounded by large sums of money is so random that it somehow becomes funny. Be sure to read both the captions and comments for an extra giggle or two.

Venus the Two-Faced Cat: Meet Venus, whose face is half black and half orange tabby, and jaw-droppingly beautiful. Aside from her breathtaking appearance, her owner uses the Instagram platform as a way to offer support and help to those who look different. Venus’ account bio quotes Dr. Seuss, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

World Dog Surfing: This account is run by the World Dog Surfing Championships in Northern California. Who knew so many dogs could surf? It is absolutely amazing to view the photos and videos of the wave-catching canines. And don’t worry, they are all surfing safely in life jackets.

Jonah Evans: As a nature tracker, the animal and nature-loving mastermind behind this account shares photos of paw prints and tracks left behind from a variety of species — even mountain lions. If you are thirsty for knowledge about all things wild, this account is for you.