A 2-Legged Dog Named Lieutenant Dan Is This Year's Cadbury Bunny And We're Overjoyed

Photo credit: lieutenant_dan_the_twc - Instagram
Photo credit: lieutenant_dan_the_twc - Instagram

From Delish

Update, March 24, 2020 11:08 a.m.: Easter is right around the corner, which means it's finally time to unveil the newest Cadbury Bunny. And in truly thrilling news, I am happy to announce our friend and noted two-legged dog Lieutenant Dan has clinched the prize!

Dan has won the honor after receiving more than 200,000 votes! That's a whole lot of love. And guess what? He deserves it! His owner Laura Weber posted the happy news on Dan's Instagram.

Here's hoping that once it's safe to, Dan has the huge dog party he was planning on! In the meantime, he will be receiving $5,000 and the Cadbury brand has also donated $10,000 to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Honestly, congrats to everyone involved!!

Original, March 9, 2020 2:38 p.m.: The world is currently (and pretty much always seems to be) a very bad and scary place. Luckily, some truly good things still exist to remind us that life is occasionally good. Today's very, very good thing? Well, it's a actually a dog. His name is Lieutenant Dan, he has two legs, and he wants to be the next Cadbury Bunny.

Lt. Dan is currently near the top of Cadbury's Bunny Try-Outs, an annual contest that gives pets a chance to put on a pair of bunny ears and become the brand's newest ambassador. It's easy to see why he's made it this far. Just look at his photo! He's got the smile, the swagger, and even the accessories to boot. A true model. Plus his bio says "he has a joy for life that is infectious and inspiring!"

His owner Laura Weber told CNN that two-year-old Lt. Dan, who obviously takes his name from the iconic Forrest Gump character, had a "deformity" in his back paws and his tail so he had to have them amputated. But he still gets around just fine thanks to a set of back wheels or simply bunny hopping around.

Dan will have to best a slew of other animals in the finals including a pig, a llama, and a duck, but he's not too worried. Laura said that if he wins, he'll be holding a "huge dog party" with friends, but if not, well, he's just happy to be included! Same!! Crossing my paws for you, Dan!

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