The 2-Ingredient Buffalo Dip Your Super Bowl Party Needs

Dip with wings
Dip with wings - Murziknata/Getty Images

Prepping a Super Bowl spread is pretty daunting. Even ambitious cooks may balk at the idea of whipping up enough jalapeño poppers, guacamole, and sliders to feed a party. If you're in charge of game-day snacks, consider opting for recipes that won't make you break a sweat.

As one of the most popular Super Bowl snacks, buffalo chicken dip is practically a necessity. A 2023 Google Trends map put it in the top spot for most searched Super Bowl dips in 13 states. Back in 2013, a WordStream study found no other snack more strongly correlated to the NFL season, with Google search volume peaking in February. But most recipes boast a long list of ingredients — and require valuable oven or stovetop space. No need to disappoint your friends and family, however: You can bring a creamy, delectable buffalo dip to the table with only two ingredients. The best part? You can still boast that you made it at home.

Just mix a scoop of sour cream or plain Greek yogurt with a healthy dollop of buffalo sauce. The exact ratios are up to you — since the recipe is so simple, you could even make a few batches to appeal to your guests' personal preferences. If you already have homemade buffalo sauce on hand, use that, otherwise feel free to use store-bought or even regular hot sauce. Serve it with a plate of celery sticks, chips, or pretzels; it makes for a tasty dip for wings, too.

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A Healthy, Versatile Option

Dipping sauce
Dipping sauce - Elena Rui/Getty Images

This dip isn't just easy — it's cheaper and healthier than most buffalo chicken dip recipes. Dips with shredded chicken, cream cheese, and cheddar certainly have their place, but sometimes you want something lighter on your stomach and your wallet. If sour cream or regular Greek yogurt is too fatty for your taste, look for a fat-free yogurt. The lighter dip will be a welcome reprieve from heavy game-day foods — and you'll be grateful for those probiotics when it comes time to digest that plate full of pigs in blankets.

It's also a great option to offer vegetarians on a day that's famous for meat, meat, and more meat. Buffalo chicken aside, chili, nachos, and pulled pork are all among America's favorite appetizers. This recipe can even be easily modified for a plant-based vegan take on a game-day classic. Simply swap that whole-milk yogurt for a dairy-free alternative. Unless you're keen on the buffalo-coconut combo, look for cashew or soy-based yogurts with a neutral taste. Remember to check your buffalo sauce, too — some contain dairy.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.